Snake Sentry

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Three days later, everything was going ok at the fort, forest and the other dimensions was on track and helping where needed, in China a child with one of the mini-drones was passing across a bridge and he was passing across a bridge with water under it. He saw something moving in the water, he looked over and the drone did too. They saw seven trails headed towards the city.

Child: Contact the Destiny team little buddy.

The mini-drone contacted the fort and relayed the information to them.

Mima: Everyone, we have an emergency, one of the drones with a kid picked up on something strange moving in the water and it is not a boat.

Pure: Are you getting anything on the scans?

Mima: Nothing on thermal but I am working on the visual to see what is down there.

Seth: I'm contacting the police to evacuate the area; if there is a threat there we don't want civilian casualties.

Pure: How are you doing on that visual Mima?

Mima: Got it.

Hey bring it up on screen and it was something they did not expect.

Pure: Snakes?

Mima: Genetically bred and enhanced snakes, they are way bigger than an average snake and from the look of their initial size they can swallow a human whole with no problem at all.

Pure: We have to stop them!

Mima: We got a little problem about that, I was doing an internal scan of them and each of them is carrying a bomb to level a block at least.

Pure: So we are dammed if we don't and we are dammed if we do. There has to be an option for stopping them and not harm anyone, even if I take out one and absorb the blast the others might be connected and blow simultaneously. So we have to find another way.

Lamia: Why not rely on their natural instinct?

A lamia heard what they were saying and came over, it was Mavis.

Pure: What do you mean by that?

Mavis: Well, if they are like me maybe we can get them on our side.

Pure: Even so, we would still have to get rid of the bombs inside them.

Mavis: Maybe I can coax them into making me their leader, make them docile.

Seth: Will that work?

Pure: Right now, that is plan B, Plan A is to get them out of the city and to a safe distance in case they have a remote trigger behind them.

Mima: The best course of action is to use your heat to attract them and get them coming to your direction.

Pure: Grab your friends Mavis; we are going to China after those snakes.

Mavis calls for the other lamia and they all took off heading to China, when they got there people were evacuating the area. Pure let the lamia out and they look around.

Pure: Give me a location here.

Seth: They are in the sewers; all of them are going in different directions. They are looking for something to eat, I think.

Pure: Send me a map of the sewer system.

Seth sends Pure a map of the underground.

Pure: Let's hope all those years of playing snakes on a brick phone are worth it.

Just then a girl was calling for her mother.

Girl: Mommy, Mommy!!

A lamia goes over and the girl was scared.

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