New type of teams

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In January, everyone was ready to get back to work. Everyone was rested and the rest of the AIs that wanted to be humanized went in and were able to get around but still needed support, Aria wasn't humanized as yet but was thinking on it with Roel.

Pure: Ok everyone, we will be back in full swing in a week which means we have to be ready to get things going.

Seth: We finalized the builds on the forts and Captain Harley's ship, when the workers and researchers come in, we can start building from there.

Pure: You all can split up according to what you do best and Snow has the training area, in case the AIs want their edge back for battle.

Marshal: The Missouri Mark II, Serpent and Trinity's Train are going to do patrols after Trinity's train drops off the construction team

Aria: I made contact with the Ai dimension, they have moved the hive mind to a secure location with all the cities working together and repairing everything with the raw metals you sent through.

Roel: Same for the monster dimension, everything is holding and they are gathering everything for the fort as planned.

Pure: Once everything is at one hundred percent we start construction over there and the expansion over here.

Mima: We built enough nanites for the job and the fort is ready for expansion.

Pure: Good, we are going to be like that until everything is good.

Just then a call came through.

Pure: This is the Destiny Fort speaking.

US President: Pure, Destiny team, this is the world leaders, what is the current status?

Pure: It is green across the board; we are on schedule and ready to resume production.

Russian: The deck's trials are in a few weeks, we are going to need transport to and from their cells.

Vincent: Got that covered.

Chinese President: Also, what's the status on Mars?

Aria: Mars?

Pure: Where we sent the other fox spirits as their imprisonment, couldn't let them stick around the earth if the other threats happened.

Seth: They are out there so that life on Mars could be possible since they use their natural instincts to convert the area they are in.

Pure: And as of right now, we have expanded the range of the atmospheric range to one-fourth of the planet. The atmospheric stabilizers like the ones we sent before we put them there.

Roel: So, it is just for them?

Pure: Just for them.

Chinese President: NASA is requesting if they can set up a small base to conduct experiments on the soil and life so far there.

Seth: We are going to have to modify a space shuttle to get out there in hours not weeks.

Aria: The magnetic engine can provide all of the power needed to get to and back comfortably.

Pure: You all get started on that, what's the status on the rest of you.

Rhea: Upgrades handling like a dream and everything is secure.

Andre: Everything fine on our side.

Li: We are starting things back up all right out there; we still got Miguel, Blossom, Violet and Raheem on their honeymoons. We just sent a drone to check on them and they are perfect.

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