Try the truth

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In the normal dimension, the next day was a weekend; Leslie had to tell Andre about what she and Aylia can do. Leslie asked Andre for both his parents to be there for when she told them. She was walking towards the house and she was a little scared. She calmed herself down and started to walk up to the door. She knocked on the door and Andre came to open the door.

Andre: Hey Leslie.

Leslie: Hey Andre, are your parents here?

Andre: Like you asked but what is this all about?

Leslie: It's better if I show you something first.

Andre let Leslie inside and she went to the living room where Andre's parents were.

Austin: Hey Leslie, what did you want to talk to us about?

Leslie: Andre, remember I was called to the office?

Andre: Yeah, thought you would get in trouble because of how well we are doing.

Leslie: Actually, there was a second reason.

Andre: What are you talking about?

Austin's Mom: What second reason.

Leslie whistled and Aylia came to them in ghost form. Leslie nodded to Aylia and she went inside of her. She dropped to her knees.

Andre: Leslie!

Leslie: It's alright everyone.

Andre's Mom: Did you just let her possess you?

Leslie: Yeah.

Andre: Why would you even do that!?

Aylia: Because her mother was torn from my death.

Leslie stood back up with Aylia in control

Andre: Aylia?

Aylia: Yes, it's me; Leslie let me possess her in order to fix things with her mother since she was my friend.

Austin: Wait a minute, that wouldn't cause any problems at school, Leslie can only take you there, wait can take you out of the house?

Aylia: I can once I am in a body but I have restricted myself only to Leslie.

Andre: But that wouldn't cause a problem, you would just be talking to yourself.

Leslie: Actually...

Aylia came out of her body partially and was above Leslie's head.

Andre: Whoa.

Leslie: She can come out of my body partially and help me, her connection to me allows her make physical contact with others but talking we don't know yet. I am the only one that can hear her for now.

Andre: You sure about that?

Aylia: Can they hear me?

Leslie: Looks to be a no.

Andre: Catch.

Leslie caught an apple from Andre first then Aylia grabbed it she was throwing it from hand to hand.

Andre: Ok, I'm both freaked out and surprised about this but why even tell us?

Aylia crossed her hands and put them on Leslie's head then she put her head on top of her hands. She still had the apple in her hand.

Leslie: Partially because Aylia saved me from bullies and the Principal knows about Aylia.

Andre's Mom: Can Aylia go back in, how does the principal know about this?

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now