One for the Kingdom

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In the monster dimension, everyone was heading to the meet point and helping out with the villages that were on the way. Once they got there, Zane was waiting on them and collecting ingredients for the recipe that was nearby. Zane saw everyone coming his way

Aequitas: Sorry we are late, had to stop and help villages on the way.

Cove: Did you find everything?

Zane: Right where the prophet said it would be, I just brought the last and final ingredient. Also, a stingray that is Maverick's brother said hello

Zane turned around and showed them a glowing gold flower.

Fargan: The Kingdom's Flower, the vital piece to the recipe. We should make this immediately.

Cicada: Some of us assist with guarding while the others spar.

Fargan: Cove, Maverick, Fae, Aequitas, let's get this made.

All five of them went inside and there was spot where air was trapped inside for potion making since they were underwater. Zane gave the recipe to Fargan to begin. Fargan looked at the recipe and knew what he had to do.

Cove: Do you know how to make it?

Fargan: I studied with your father when he learned of this, he was learning from the past to better everyone. We made the first potion together.

Fargan put the recipe aside and started to work on the potion with their help.

Cove: Fargan, I always wanted to ask something, I know what happened to my father but the question I always wanted to ask is...

Fargan: What made that witch do what she did, it is time you knew the truth of that.

Fargan clears his throat and tells the story while he was making the potion.

Fargan: A time when the underwater was a very nice place, the witch and your father were friends.

Everyone: What!?!

Fargan: Her name is Castella, they were friends at a young age and were best friends, they grew up together for the intent to have an arranged marriage but even though his powers were dormant, they warned him that she had darkness in her heart. He told me and both of us took it to his parents. They told us of his bloodline powers and them being dormant but can wake up when threatened in any way.

Fargan: His parents consulted with her parents and the wedding got called off but she was furious.

Maverick put up his hand.

Fargan: Why did they put it off?

Maverick nodded his head.

Fargan: Every kingdom has a bloodline of magic but when there is darkness in someone, they are prevented from marrying to continue the bloodline until they are cleansed of the darkness.

Aequitas: And how would you do that?

Fargan: They would sit down and figure out what is the cause of the darkness but it consumed Castella too quickly. She ran from the kingdom and that is where it corrupted her but that was not the problem, she had taken the recipe to activate her dormant bloodline but her darkness fed on it. She continued making and drinking it until the darkness, twisted her mind, her body and her soul into what she is now.

Cove: But why kill my family?

Fargan: She thought the whole bloodline was weak so she eliminated them and her parents.

Fae: Then why not take their kingdom as well?

Fargan: She wanted a better positioning since the kingdom is easily defendable but she didn't kill her brother.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now