Secure Sponsorship

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A few days later Andre called the sponsors along with Pure, Sonya and his parents to secure the sponsorship. Everyone came together for the signing so that everything would be on even ground. When they got there Pure was looking over the contract so there would be no hidden surprises.

Pure: Everything is as they say; Aylia helps out with car and other artwork while Andre and Leslie keeps their grades up.

Andre: I'm taking driving when I get of age.

Leslie: I think I might take up computering but I'm still hazy on what I should pick.

Pure: Well, there are some areas that need a puzzle solving person but you decide on that.

Aylia: I brought some ones to start off the deal right.

Sonya: Do we need to set up a bank account?

Pure: I'll set up one for them, give me a few minutes, what bank do you use?

Pure got the banking information from the sponsors and quickly built a bank account and got the routing number with the bank number so that the money would get there properly.

Pure: Check it now.

The Sponsor checks the account.

Sponsor: It's there.

Pure puts the contract down on the table.

Pure: You three sure you want to do this?

Andre, Leslie and Aylia look at each other.

Andre: You two fine with this?

Leslie: We may not get a deal as good as this.

Aylia: Plus it will keep me busy while they are studying.

Pure: If you do sign, we got your back on this.

All three of them look at the contract and made a decision, each of them signed the contract.

Austin: Do us proud you three.

Aylia: Go near the bed, I'll send the draws through.

Andre headed upstairs and Aylia pushed through the art pad that had on the draws, Andre brought down and put it on the table.

Aylia: I was going through some cars to make some super good paints and liveries; I built ten so far for you.

They opened the art pad and it had amazing work.

Aylia: I looked back at every single popular car design and was coming up some ways to recreate new ones.

The first one was a Tron-type design with the black and blue neon on a future Lamborghini.

Pure: Nice to include what kind of paint it has to be, the flat black would not cut it for the Tron look.

Seth: Have to say though the computer code on the side makes it really stand out.

They turn the page and see a ghost girl paint job on a Kowisegg

Andre's Mother: This one about you?

Aylia: Yeah, I did a redesign on it.

They go through each of the cars she built and she even did some for off-road, rallies, showcases and then when they came down to the last one it was Pure's car, it had on him on the side looking into a city on top of a building with his tails and scarf blowing in the wind and you can see the Chinese symbols on it.

Sponsor: That is a certified heroic paint job

Pure: You made this?

Aylia: You should see the wallpaper for that one.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now