A little Grudge

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In the middle of the night drones were dispatched to different locations. In the morning they were coming back. All of them landed and the people got out. After two years Natasha, Samuel, Gwen and Richard have grown up a bit and they have jobs. Natasha is a small business owner, Gwen is a highly-recommended baker after spearheading the wedding two years ago, Samuel is an electrician and Richard helps Natasha with inventory since he is best at computers. Niko was there and she was let off with Pure and the team, Builder was there and got promoted in his job. Victoria's father was there and Kadeem was too.

All of them went through security and they all checked out, they proceeded to the main hall where Pure and the rest of the team with the children in their arms.

Pure: Welcome to all new-comers and welcome back friends.

Kadeem: Hey Pure, haven't seen you in two years, how you been?

Pure: Going great and so are the children.

They see all of the children.

Gwen: Looks like our little sister is growing up.

Natasha: And getting cuter by the day.

Samuel: Come on little sis!

Auriella runs to Samuel and picks her up.

Builder: What do you need us for bud?

Pure: Protection and a little help, we will fill you on the details and get most of you settled in.

Kadeem: Settled in, what's going on?

Pure: A new threat is arising but this time we have the advantage but we need to hit the ground running in case things go haywire.

Niko: Why bring me here; I'm still on the blacklist for not using computers.

Pure: Not anymore, I made a few calls and got you under the same deal with Victoria. I also asked the pentagon to send Builder since he and I are tight and I sent drone detail to your families so they are safe.

Builder: If you need us bud, we are here to help.

Pure: Come on, I'll fill you in.

Everyone headed to the cafeteria where Pure told them about what is going on and why Pure called them to the fort.

Pure: So that is why I called you guys to help.

Niko: So, you want me to look around in the dark web to see what moves are being made.

Kadeem: Me to track what is going on at home.

Natasha: Us to stay here and be protected.

Victoria's Father: But why call me here?

Pure: We needed someone who can track down old world war 3 soldiers and you have done that a lot.

Victoria's Father: I got contacts that can track them but why come to me?

Victoria: They would be hunting you down first for troops for a mission, so I talked to Pure about bringing you here.

Pure: Builder, I need you to work with Victoria and Niko on firewall breaking and the rough encryption jobs.

Builder: What are you going to do to protect us?

Pure: Everyone will be given an Exo-suit to get around easier and provide better armor. Also a Medusa will be under your clothes protecting you at all times.

Builder: Medusa?

Pure takes a metal cube out of his bag and it turns into a metal snake.

Pure: Reach out your hand.

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now