Season 24:Destiny City

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In the normal dimension, it was the end of the summer and the Fort was completely upgraded. Everything was operational, passed inspection and the people for the shops were already there to open business. Susan was there reporting the entire thing. Everyone was there in the main hall.

Pure: Congratulations everyone, the Destiny Fort has been upgraded to Destiny City. Everything from homes to businesses are ready to be used. This all couldn't be possible without the help of everyone here and the alliance.

All of the construction workers, team members, ministers, presidents, even Iris, Cedar, Torao, Riddex and Lele were there as well, even Lucifer and Isabella.

Pure: This place will not only be a beacon but a place to get a chance, a second chance. Wherever you came from and whatever skill you have can be used here to better yourself.

Everyone applauded.

Pure: But we must all reflect at what happened for the past years, in memorial of those that have been lost. Their names are placed in our book of Memory here, which has been relocated to the park which is where a statue has been crafted of Shen, the same person who gave everything to let us be here today.

A camera went outside and it got a shot of the statue. It was Shen that was an Angel with the sword that he had, there was a halo that was actually a small floating ring on top of it.

Pure: Without him, the worst case scenario we would all be destroyed but with the help of everyone working together we all prevented that and we will prevent more together. Now, those who want to keep their home at the main building, you can if you want to move to a section suited for you, go ahead. You can still be called for emergencies and assistance where needed. Drones are ready to take anyone back home or where they want to go.

Everyone split up from there and the construction crews were pulling out. Lucinda, Sandra and Artemis were helping getting their containers back to some ships waiting on them in the new harbor. One harbor was for supplies and equipment and another housed the Indominous and the Missouri Mark II, along with the rest of the fleet.

Pure was walking with Susan with her drone.

Susan: Pure, with the upgrades given to Destiny City, what is in store here?

Pure: Not only is there canals for people like Lucinda and Taeyoung but this whole city is a mirror for the underneath of the city to not confuse anyone about any location. Each building also houses for surface and underwater everyday life.

Susan: Can we see?

Pure: It's right this way.

Pure points to a stairway that leads down underwater and that is when they saw the whole city underwater with glass pipes.

Pure: These pipes serve as multi-purpose as to let land and underwater couples be together in case that happens, each one is also carries a train rail underneath for long distances since everyone swims down here.

Susan: What about safety?

Pure: This glass is reinforced with a glass alloy, even though it looks completely clear, this is a foot thick and way stronger than steel.

Susan looks around while following Pure and taking in all of the scenery. They headed back up to a small building.

Pure: But in case you want to explore the underwater world on your own or with someone, these underwater diving machines will help you do that but they have a tracker as to where they are but they have an advanced battery to last a full day without charging but charges in under an hour.

They went back outside and saw Gear with Miku.

Pure: As for the living space, each section is designed to hold them no problem, from a werewolf to a sandworm, even the businesses are equipped to cater to them.

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