Show the Muscle

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Back in the normal dimension, everything was going fine in construction and the other areas, it was the weekend so Andre, Aylia, Leslie and their parents dropped by. Pure was in the workshop helping Lisa with her car and he had Pure Jr. and Auriella. They were helping their father with the tools and he was working on the suspension.

Pure: Thank you Junior.

Pure Junior was happy.

Auriella was over with Steam who was putting the finishing touches on the engine.

Steam: OK, hold that for me and... we are done, thanks Auriella.

Auriella was laughing.

Engine AI: You sure this omegacharger is going to work Pure?

Pure: A little air is going in, a lot going out, did you compensate for the extra airflow?

Engine AI: Already did.

Just then Andre walked in.

Andre: Hey everyone, whoa!

Andre sees the engine and the car.

Andre: Someone has been busy!

Pure: Yup.

Andre: Where is Lisa?

Lisa: Over here!

Lisa was in the car installing the roll cage in the car.

Andre: How did the certification go?

Lisa: Had to bring in a second team of judges to see if I was pulling anything when clearly, I can't.

Lisa taps her collar.

Andre: Got certified?

Lisa: They had to give me it; I was away from anyone else doing my own thing.

Andre: What about your license?

Lisa: That is next on the list but I want to get the car running in the mean time

Andre comes over to the engine.

Andre: What kind of supercharger is this?

Steam: It's a brand new omegacharger, little air goes in, a lot of air comes out.

Andre: How much foot pounds of boost does it make?

Pure: Daiyu said it could do one thousand pounds of boost no problem.

Andre: Isn't that going to be too much for this engine?

Engine AI: This is why there is a system in the omegacharger to regulate the air, it links in with the speed so that the faster she gets, the more goes in to prevent choking it.

Andre: And with using two mother bottles of nitrous is overkill.

Engine AI: Not if you get the air, fuel, nitrous ratio right.

Andre: So, when you get off the line, the nitrous fires then you open up the omegacharger and blast yourself down the half mile in six seconds.

Pure: Exactly.

Andre: Where is the extra air going to go when the omegacharger is not being used?

Lisa: We reroute it to the exhaust to push the car.

Andre: If I wasn't living with a ghost girlfriend, I would say that is borderline crazy.

Auriella climbs up Andre's back and had her head on his shoulder.

Pure: Don't we all run on crazy sometimes?

Andre: Good point.

Lisa: How are things between you, Aylia and Leslie?

Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction: Re-evolutionWhere stories live. Discover now