Cutting Circuits

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In the Ai dimension, the Extreme AIs were clearing out the underground while the Serpent was above ground, liberating cities and outposts on the way, the Extreme AIs assisted with supplies to the continents and artillery support. They were given some of the Solphite Solution missiles to launch and started plans on upgrading the Spartans to have more defense and durability.

Thursday: How are those upgrades coming?

Selina: Should be ready within thirty minutes, we have to replace the hull completely with the alloy the Extreme AIs gave us, we are only putting one under maintenance at a time to prevent us from being undermanned.

Thursday: Good, we are going to need the rest if anything pops up.

Raven was doing some recon in the air, since she has on the Spartan her height of flying increased, she was going for a casual cruise until she got caught up in some gunfire. She dodged and was looking for where it was coming from, she looked down and saw a massive army of zombie AIs, Spartans, turrets and worst thing was a Serpent that was coming for the team to destroy them.

Raven: Attention Serpent, we got a whole army of zombies, Spartans, turrets and a Zombie Spartan converging on your current location.

Thursday: Come back to base now, we don't want you out of the fight, Extreme AIs cover her escape.

Extreme AI: Covering her escape now.

Thursday: We are heading back, we need to get to a city as cover, we are too exposed out here and an easy target.

The AIs turned the Serpent around; Vile came down low and detached his Spartan parts from the Serpent so that they would be lighter.

AI: The Dragon Spartan has been deployed, permission to activate nitrous and open the valves on the supercharger?

Thursday: Granted.

The modifications were activated and they gunned it back to a previous city they were at before.

Thursday: What is the closest city?

AI: There is Battery City, where we got the extra energy storage for all of us.

Thursday: Have they rebooted their weapon systems?

AI: Yes, they are expecting us and will cover us when we get in range.

Thursday: How is it looking up there Raven?

Raven looks behind her.

Raven: It's like they got every single AI from here straight down to the bottom of the continent.

V: Are we going to have enough ammo for that?

Thursday: I don't know but we got to make it count.

AI: I have Aria on the line; she is deploying everything they have to assist.

Thursday: And the laser?

AI: On standby, ready to fire.

Trent: Everyone, we got a problem, they have one of those Solphite Nukes in that Zombie Serpent.

Thursday: What about knocking it out with the Ice beam?

Trent: That is a possibility.

Thursday: Tell Aria to aim the Ice Beam at the Zombie Serpent.

Raven: I am coming in low, don't want to get shot.

Thursday: Rory, Vile, make some noise behind us, keep a gap between us and them

Vile: On it.

Rory: Roger that.

Vile and Rory start releasing fireballs to widen the gap.

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