Chapter 3: The Postive and The Negative

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Diary Entry 3 from Brendon Urie's POV

I woke up and I think why am I not wearing clothes and who is in the bed next to me. I turn over and see Ryan next to me and is naked. I start to freak out and Ryan says "I'm going to go puke, bye." He gets and runs to the bathroom. I get up and check on him. He says "I'm fine. Lets get ready for school." I look at him confused, then I realise that, I go back to school today.

I wish that I apologised to Mikey or Gerard about last week.

Time skip to School

I walk into school and I see Dallon crying. He said "I think that I like another boy."

I say "Why does it matter if you're gay, bi, pan and etc."

He said "My parents will kill me, they're SUPER homophobic and I will be kicked out because of this."

I tell him "If you need a place to stay my doors are always open." I hug him to make sure that he is feeling better. The bell rings and we head to class.

Time skip to Lunch

I walk over to the table and I see Patrick and Pete getting really cozy with each other. I say "Pete maybe you should go to your table." I point to the table were everyone else is sitting. He stands up and says "What are you doing B?"

I say "Making sure you don't get your sidechick pregnant too." He leaves and says "You're an asshole."

Patrick says "What are you talking about?"

I sigh and say "Mikey is pregnant and I know that you can get pregnant. So I don't need 2 pregnant people at this school."

Dallon walks over and says "Why is Patrick look so out of it?"

I sigh and say "Pete got Mikey pregnant. Him and Pete having been sleeping together. Patrick can get pregnant and I think that condoms slipped there minds."

Dallon says "Well then"

Pete comes over and says "What's wrong with Pat"

I say "I told him that Mikey is pregnant."

Pete says "Why did you do that?"

I yell "Maybe I don't know. Patrick can get pregnant and you guys love to fuck without condoms. He needed to know to make sure, that he knows what can happen if you're not safe."

I look around and he yelled "Thanks for telling the whole school that I am whore and like to sleep with Patrick, while Mikey is at home pregnant with my kid."

Dallon yelled "Okay both of you get away from each other." Ryan runs over and says "Both of you's go back to your tables."

I sit down and Ryan drags Pete back.

Patrick says "How long have they known?"

I say "Since last Friday"

He yelled "He has known that his boyfriend is pregnant and he is fucking me in the meantime."

I say "That is Pete's choice to continue to sleep with you, even though Mikey is pregnant."

Patrick says "My parents are going to freak and I can't live at there house anymore."

I say "You're always welcomed to stay at my house." Patrick nods. Dallon said this to lighten the mood "My parents said if you come home with a pregnant girl, I'm out of their house" I laugh and everything goes on.

We all eat lunch and I go and talk to Ryan and tell him to bring Pete to my house with Mikey. He asked me what my plan was. I just walk away with a smirk on my face.

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