Chapter 68: I'm in too many fandoms

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Diary Entry from Brendon Urie's POV

So today is April fools and I a little less then 2 weeks until I have a 1 year old. I walk into Brook's room and see her sound asleep. Then I hear Kalie crying and I rush into her room, then change her diaper and take her downstairs

I say "So you want to be feed." I then get a bottle and sit down with her at the table, then start feeding her when I hear Dallon say "Lets go find Dada"

Brooklynn says "I, Dada"

Dallon says "Sure kid." I see them and Brooklynn wobbles over to me with a little help from Dallon. I say "Hey Brook."

She says "Sissy." She tries to climb onto my lap, Dallon gets her and says "Brooklynn, you can't climb on Daddy when he is holding the baby." She nods and wobbles over to her toys.

I say "You are amazing with Brook."

Dallon says "You do realise that I'm not really that good with her." 

I say "You and Ryan are so good with the kids."

Dallon says "No, B its just the normal."

I say "No, I literally suck with kids."

Dallon says "You literally have our child quiet and eating without struggle."

I say "Okay." I roll my eyes and start burping Kalie. I then lay her down in a playpen and I see that Dallon has started to make breakfast.

I say "So Mr. Weekes, what are you doing?"

Dallon says "Making breakfast for everyone."

I say "That's what I do."

Dallon says "I was hungry and you were feeding Kalie, so I thought why not try to make breakfast."

I say "Thank you." Then I kiss him on the cheek and go sit with Kalie and Brook. I pick up Kalie and say "Hey Kalie this is your older sister Brooklynn."

Brooklynn says "Sissy." I then put her next to me and hold Kalie, then Dallon sits next to me and says "Do you want to hold her?"

She says "Yes." I hand Dallon Kalie and I put Brook on my lap. I say "You saw Daddy's arms and you see how Dallon's holding Kalie. That's how you should hold her."

She nods and puts her arms out, then I put my arms under hers and Dallon puts them on Brook's arms. Then Dallon gets up and takes a picture of this. 

After he says "So breakfast is ready." I get up and all 3 of us eat breakfast.

Time skip to lunch

I was sitting on the couch and I get a call from Hayley. She says "So what are you doing?"

I say "Nothing. Why?"

She says "So I think I'm in labour and I need someone to watch the kids. Since the last time Taylor watched but now Taylor is coming."

I say "Bring them over whenever." She hangs up and I start setting up the spare room. Dallon says "What are you doing?"

I say "So Hayley said she would be bring the kids over since she's in labour."

Dallon says "You are saying we are going to have 3 extra kids in our house for 2 or 3 days."

I say "Yes."

Dallon says "Why didn't you think to run it by me before you said yes" Then I hear the doorbell and I run downstairs to open the door. 

I open the door and say "Hey guys."

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now