Chapter 75: So I hate myself, cause I just realised something

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Diary Entry from Patrick Stumph's POV

I haven't been able to sleep since Nicole has been kicking me for 2 days straight. Then I feel a really strong kick and I scream. I say "Hey, kid" She makes another really strong kick and all I could think of was to call Pete.

I say "Hey."

Pete says "Hey, are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

I say "Well, kinda."

Pete says "What do you mean?"

I say "Well, I think I'm in labour and I need someone to get Kinsley."

Pete says "I'll be over there in like 5 to 10 minutes."

I say "Okay" I get up and get dressed, walk all my things to the door & get a bag for Kinsley. Then I hear the door and waddle over there.

I open it and Pete says "Okay, lets take a deep breathe."

I say "Just take your kid."

Pete says "Do you want me to drive you?"

I didn't but I needed him to, so I say "Yes, sure."

Pete says "You don't look l-"

I say "Shut the hell up and get into the car." Pete nods and takes Kinsley to the car, I waddle upstairs to brush my teeth. Then I get a super painful contraction and I just walk back downstairs, I get to the finally step and I get another super painful contraction.

Pete says "Hey, let me help you."

I say "Mooooooove."

Pete takes my hand and says "Lets have this baby."

I say "Okay." It was weird because the Pete I knew wouldn't do anything and just be an ass, fatherhood had changed him.

We are at a stop light and I say "You've really changed a lot."

Pete says "Is this a bad change or good change."

I say "Goooooood"

Pete says "Your contractions keep happening every 5 minutes and they last about 35 seconds."

I say "You timed them."

Pete says "Yes because we need a log to give to the nurse."

I say "Thank you, also the light is green." He laughs and starts driving.

When we get to the hospital, my contractions were getting longer and the time between was getting shorter. The nurse says "Who is this?"

Pete says "Patrick Martin Stumph, he's in labour."

She nods and rushed us back to the room, I sit there and say "Thank you."

Pete says "No problem. The only thing is, I'll have to wait outside the opreation with Kinsley."

I say "Okay." Then the nurse goes over everything that is going to happen and I nod, but I just keep thinking about how much Pete has changed in a year.

He cares about someone else besides making Mikey happy, he is finally showing the real Pete. The sweet guy, that lost a lot of things because Mikey, his personality became dominant and he started to lose his childhood friends. He also lose a part of himself, he lose the part that no one gets to see, which is his soft side.

I get into surgery and I can't feel anything, then I see a nurse say "Are you okay?"

I say "Y-Yes." She smiles and walks away, then it happened. Then I hear a doctor yell "May 31st 2015, 7:15:47 am."

They bring her over and I say "Hi."

The nurse says "What's her name?"

I say "Nicole Lyn Wentz"

She says "Who's the father?"

I say "Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III"

She says "Okay." Then they sew me close and I roll back to the room, when I get inside. I see Kinsley on Pete's lap and Pete's holding Nicole showing her to Kinsley.

I say "Hi"

Pete says "Hi"

Kinsley says "Daddy."

Pete says "Kinsley Jane, do not jump on Daddy."

Kinsley says "But."

Pete says "No, Kinsley."

Kinsley says "Okay." Another side of Pete, I never thought I would see. He is acting like a parent and being a parent.

I say "Hey, Pete."

Pete says "Yes."

I say "Can I see the baby?"

Pete says "Sure." He then walks over and hands Nicole to me, I say "Thanks"

Pete nods and goes to hang out with Kinsley. I just look at the baby and say "Hi Nicole Lyn"

She then yawns and I say "Am I that boring?" 

A/N - So this book is coming to a close. 2 more chapters, also the last chapter is not what you expect.

If you can't tell but I'm really tired.

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें