Chapter 63: Don't follow your dreams

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Diary Entry from Geoff Wigington's POV

I get and look at my phone, and realise today is Awsten's birthday. Then I hear the Lilo and get her, then walk downstairs with her. I make her a bottle then her put her in her playpen after I start to make Awsten's favourite breakfast which is eggs and beans on rice bread. Rory comes down and says "What are you do?"

I say "Today is Awsten's birthday, so I'm making Awsten's favourite breakfast."

She says "Eww..."

I say "Its really disgusting actually but he likes it for some reason."

She asked "How long has he loked ot?"

I say "As long as I've know him."

She asked "How long?"

I say "How long what Roars?"

She says "How long have you know Awsten?"

I say "I've know Awsten since we were about 11 years old."

She says "How you met?"

I say "We met because I had changed schools and Awsten was a kid who was in all of my class. Then I thought this kid was cute. After that I didn't talk to him until he came up to me asking me to the fall fair. He asked me if I wanted to go with him and I said sure."

Awsten says "Actually you said why the hell are you talking to me, then I said that I thought you were cute and I wanted to ask you to the fall fair this friday. You then got very flustered and nodded."

I say to Rory "Its true. Whenever he would talk to me, I would get too fluster to say anything."

Awsten says "Literally when I went to your house, you opened the door and we walked to the fair which was close to your house. Then we get there and I literally wanted to know everything but Duck was too nervous to talk. He literally said like 5 or 6 words in 2 hours. I literally just talked forever."

I say "He didn't stop talking then he kissed me. I was really shocked, then I pull away and I kissed him back."

Awsten says "I thought you hated it, then you kissed me again. I was like I can't believe it, this you actually likes me."

I say "That was my first thought when I talked to you. Also Happy birthday honey."

Awsten says "Wait its my birthday?"

I say "Yes also I made you your favourite breakfast." I hand him a plate and he says "I literally haven't been able to eat this because it made me sick. It was this and cabbage that I couldn't eat through my entire pregnancy."

I say "I know. I wanted to make up for the fact that you couldn't eat this all of your pregnancy. Also you wanted to have sushi, we are going to get sushi tonight for dinner."

Then I hear the door open and I hear someone say "I want to see my little Awsten."

Awsten screams and says "Baeliy, what the hell are you doing here?" Then the baby starts crying and I pick Lilo and try to calm her down. Then I say "Aws, she might need you."

Awsten says "Geoff give her here." I give her to Awsten and he gets her quiet really fast. He just holds her and I wish that I could do what Awsten does with the baby. 

Time skip to Dinner

Awsten says "I can't wait until I get to have sushi for the first time since I found out."

Baeliy says "When was the last time you had sushi."

Awsten says "About a year. Also Bael's can you let me go out and have some fun with my husband." She nods and we leave, once we get there, Awsten says "Why didn't you say you were taking me to a really high end sushi place."

I say "I wanted to surprise you since you don't get a lot of surprises." I kiss him on the cheek then we walk to our table, Awsten says "This is amazing."

I say "Yes because I wanted to know that nothing bad is going to happened. Also you literally love sushi so I thought why not treat you like a king on this day that you missed out on last year."

Awsten says "Why are you like this."

I say "Because you were the first person I met who thought that being gay was okay. Then you were the first boy that actually liked me back. So I had to marry you." 

Awsten says "With my life at home, I thought that no one would ever want me. Then we met and you loved me for everything, the good, the bad and the dirty."

I say "I still love you even the bad parts, because they make you who you are and I will or would ever get rid of you." I then wipe the tear that was falling from his eyes, then we finish our food and head back home.

Awsten says "I can't thank you for what you did."

I say "You don't need to thank me, the thank you was birthing my child." We both and we head inside to find Baeliy on the couch asleep. Then we head upstairs and find Rory in our bed asleep, so we go to the guest bedroom and "sleep".

A/N - I literally had a dream that I went to school without shoes on, this literally happens ever year before school. Don't ask me why?

Okay I might not be online for 2 weeks, I'm going to go hang out with my family I see very rarely so I want to just hang out with them. Sorry.

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now