Chapter 40: I'm grounded for the rest of the summer

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Diary Entry from Brendon Urie's POV

Today I get to see Brooklynn. I wish that I could get to spend more time with her but Ryan doesn't like that idea. I get up in an excited mood, I eat breakfast and get dress all before Dallon, which is weird because Dallon is usually up before me. I just push that thought to the back of my mind. I then get into the car and go to Ryan's.

I just remembered that me and Ryan still have to talk about the living arangement of Brooklynn, while were in college. I get to Ryan's house and I knock on the door. I see Ryan walk downstairs with Brooklynn, then open the door. He says "She has a doctor's appointment at 10 on Saturday. Also she is having really bad blowouts so you might want to be careful of everything that she sits on."

I say "Hey Ry can we talk about what we're gonna do with her when the 2 of us go off to college."

Ryan says "Here is the deal, you and Dallon are going to have her during the school year. While I have her over all breaks except summer. Then we'll do our regular schedule. Then next year, I'll have her during the school year and you guys will have her during breaks. Then we can switch off each year."

I say "Why did you decide that?"

Ryan says "I thought since you and Dallon get less time with her than me. Why keep her away from you when she needs both of her parents in her life."

I say "Thank you." I then take Brooklynn from Ryan's hands and put her in my car. Then I get in and drive to my house. I open the door and Dallon is sitting at the table. I say "Hey love."

He says "Hi, B and little missy." He then grabs Brooklynn out of my arms. I put her diaper bag down and I sit on the couch. I say "Hey Dal."

He says "Yea B?"

I say "Ryan said that Brook has been having really bad blowouts, he said just be careful of her and things that she sits on." He nods and places her in her highchair. He grabs a bottle and feeds her. 

I say "Also she has a doctor's appointment tomorrow at 10." 

He says "Why she seems healthy." I shrug, after a few minutes, I get up and help get Brooklynn cleaned up. I then burp her and she then has tummy time. I love it because she loves it. Around 10 am, I put her down for a nap and I sit on the couch. Dallon sits next to me and we watch tv, then I hear the baby moniter. 

I get up and check on Brooklynn. I say as I get her out of her crib "Whats wrong?" Then I see the mattress and I see a whole lot of shit on it, Ryan wasn't kidding, when he meant bad. I say "Okay I can see what Dada was meaning. Lets get you changed and we can sit on the couch." 

I take off her diaper and change her clothes. I then head downstairs and say to Dallon "I'm going to give you Brooklynn while I look up ways to get shit off a mattress."

Dallon says "Mouth and how bad can it be?" I show a picture I took and he says "Well dang Ryan wasn't kidding."

I say "I see why Ryan scheduled the appointment with the doctor" He nods and I give Brooklynn to him, I then go and clean the mattress from the shit show, that Brooklynn left in there. After about almost an hour of cleaning the mattress, it looked a hella of better then before. 

I go downstairs and I see Dallon talking to Brooklynn. I say "Hi weirdo and human child."

Dallon says "Hi, I was just talking to her about my morning." I nod and walk to the love seat, I sit down and watch whatever was on tv. At around 1, I feed Brooklynn. I then burp her whilst Dallon, makes our lunch. I finish with her and I put her to sleep. I then eat lunch and clean the house, whilst Dallon sleeps on the couch. I hear Brooklynn and mental prepare myself for whatever is going to be in her crib. 

I say "Hey how bad is it." I look and nothing was there, but she still had a terrible diaper. I still feel really bad because she might have a stomach bug but she only has are the really bad diapers and blowouts. 

I walk downstairs and dance with Brooklynn. I love it because its my favourite thing in the whole world. She loves listening to music, she has to get use to it, because all 3 of her parents sing and play instruments. 

I then start to sing and she starts to giggle at my voice. I then start singing more and she just gets happier the louder I get. I think maybe Ryan sings to her and she loves singing now because of that. I know that I never sing to her but maybe Ryan does. 

I say "You like this." She just continues to smile and I just continue playing music. I look and see Dallon standing on the wall. I say "What the hell creepo."

Dallon says "I just love watching you sing and dance." I smile and say "How long were you watching me?"

Dallon says "The whole time, you should sing more and dance more." 

I say "You only say that because you're my boyfriend."

Dallon says "No really, you have a great voice." I shake my head and sit down. I then just rock Brooklynn while Dallon gets me a bottle. I then start feeding Brooklynn. 

Dallon says "How old will Brook be when this baby is born."

I say "Almost 1, around 11 months." He nods and I start burping Brooklynn. I go upstairs, I rock her whilst I sing to her. She falls asleep and I head downstairs. I then eat dinner with Dallon and we talk about random things that happened today.

I say "What do you want to watch tonight?"

Dallon says "Once upon a time." 

I say "We have watch the whole show 3 times already, what about Station 19?" He shakes his head and says "You asked me what I wanted not the other way around."

I say "Okay we can watch it again." He smiles and we put on the first episode. I fall asleep after about 10 minutes.

I wake up and go to me and Dallon's room. I lay down and go straight to bed as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

A/N - I'm listening to No Phun Intended for the first time. Also I'm not kidding I'm grounded and I hate it. I skip curfew 3 times in a week and I get grounded (I'm being sarcastic.) Also this book is hella long for me. My last book had 18 chapters, this has 45. Thats a lot. Also my birthday is on Saturday. Also my parents are forcing me to go to this Christian teen retreats, I'm athiest this is going to be interesting, I wouldn't be able to update since its in the mountains. I'll be back when I get back from there. So maybe July 4 or 5.  Have a great week and sorry for this really long author note today. Goodbye for like a week. 

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ