Chapter 46: I'm bored...

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Diary Entry from Pete Wentz' POV

Yesterday was rough least just say. Let me tell you the whole story. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

I wake up and I hear Patrick and Mikey yelling. I run downstairs and stop at the bottom stairs, Mikey is yelling at Patrick about something. Patrick yells "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Mikey yells "What the fuck is wrong with me, you want to ruin a chance to go to college over a child you didn't want in the first place."

Patrick yells "I want her now"

Mikey yells "Can't you ever make a rational decision, you give Kinsley up for adoption without thinking, then you want her and you're gonna r-"

Patrick yells "Fuck you, I wouldn't re-"

Mikey yells "Save the bullshit, you regret everything, you do irrationally. You and Pete's relationship, giving up Kinsley, now you're gonna regret getting her back."

Patrick yells "Go to hell bitch, I regret all those things except wanti-"

Mikey yells"I can't wait for you to complain about getting her back and lo-"

Patrick yells "I feel empty without her."

Mikey yells "That absolute bullshit, you didn't even care about her until she left, then you didn't do anything to show that you wa-"

Patrick yells "Well I wa-"

Mikey yells "I can't with you right now."

Patrick yells "You're the one who is literally saying that I can't do this"

Mikey yells "Because you can't fatass"

Patrick yells "So we're going back to you being the asshole you were and always will be."

Mikey yells "Bitch this is who I always am, so get your motherfucking facts straight. Also are you going to stay a stupid ass, who can't think straight be-."

Patrick yells "I can think straight, and you are never seeing my daughter."

Mikey yells "You don't have a daughter and don't need one either."

Patrick yells "I fucking hate you asshat."

Mikey yells "Call me fucking names, they don't hurt because they aren't true unlike you'res."

Patrick yells "Go to hell"

Mikey yells "See you there, you fat hoe"

Patrick yells "I thought you changed"

Mikey yells "Once an asshole, always an asshole and nothing can change that. Like you're always going to be fat."

Patrick yells "At least my daughter is never going to be in an environment were one of her father cheats on the other with a bunch of people"

Mikey yells "So at least he didn't break up with you, then make you the sidechick after like 4 years. He also cheated on me then got back with me because he actually loved me."

Patrick flips off Mikey and says "We're over, I'll have my stuff out in the next 20 minutes."

Mikey yells "See if I care fat ass manwhore"

Patrick yells "Shut the fuck up dickwad" Then you hear a door slam, and I run to what was Mikey and Patrick's room, I hear Patrick crying.

I say "Hey Lunchbox are you okay?"

He says "Go away Peter"

I say "See you too asshole" I then hear more sobbing and I walk downstairs, Mikey then kissed me, I kiss back of course.

Mikey says "I missed you so much"

I say "I missed you too, I wanted to kiss you again ever since I saw when I moved in here."

Mikey says "I wanted to get back with you ever since you was hanging out with Eva and didn't say a thing about her being fussy and complain, you just showed so much love towards her."

I say "I knew I could win you back." I peck his lip and we sit down, then talk about things, that we don't talk about. Then Patrick says "So what are you doing Pete?"

I say "I'm hanging out with my friend"

Patrick says "Can I talk to you outside." I nod and say "I'll be right back Mikes" We walk onto the front step and Patrick says "So do you want Kinsley back b-"

I say "Actually I think that we shouldn't have Kinsley back. Neither could fully put our time into her at all, since you are going to college an-"

Patrick says "I think I'm pulling out."

I say "Well you could have her but I don't want her back."

Patrick says "So I'm going to be a single parent."

I say "No I'll be in the picture but I wouldn't have a relationship with you."

Patrick says "Then why have a relationship with her then."

I say "Because who wants a father who isn't in there life if they can."

Patrick says "She doesn't need it you, she has me."

I say "They say that kids without both of their parents in their life, become more fucked up then me and I did some shit in my past."

Patrick says "Well you will probably never see her again."

I say "I have a legal right to her, so I can't wait for you in court asshole."

Patrick says "Get back together with me, then you get back with me."

I say "Well I'm already with someone, and I don't want to have another side chick in my life."

Patrick says "So I'm always going to be the sidechick."

I say "I've changed so I don't think I'll ever get back with you. I'm sorry Patrick."

Patrick says "So I will see you in court." He then gets in his car and leaves. I go inside and tell Mikey all that happened. Then Eva starts crying and we go on with our day.

A/N - My friend said I should do this. Also I will put Kinsley back in Patrick's custody in a couple chatpers (hopefully...I wouldn't forget)

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