Chapter 50: Its about to go down...

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Sorry if there are any mistakes, I didn't feel like editing.

Diary Entry from Patrick Stumph's POV

Today was the day, that I get custody of Kinsley back. Me and Pete haven't talk since I blow up in his face a couple days ago, so I'm going to the courthouse by myself. I get into my best dress clothes and I'm off to the courthouse. 

I get there and I sign, then I see I didn't except to see, it was Pete. He sits next to me and says "So how are you doing since a couple days ago?"

I say "I thought you would be in Chicago by this time."

Pete says "Well I flew back for a few things and thought, I know your court date, so why not try and help you get Kinsley."

I say "So are going to take her from me?"

Pete says "No I'm good, Eva is a handful. I don't understand how Andy did it."

I say "How does he do it?" Pete just shrugs and we wait in awkward silence. Then we get called into the room and the judge says "Why do you think you, Mr. Stumph and Mr. Wentz should have Kinsley Wentz-Stumph back in your custody?"

I say "We could give her a childhood without, what if's. We can provide for her and show her the affection and love a child needs. Also she wouldn't grow up wondering why did my parents give up, was a good enough."

The judge says "Can hear from Mr. Wentz now?"

Pete says "I think that we should have custody of Kinsley is because I lived in the system and I know the cruel world of being bullied for being a foster kid. I want her to live a life were she knows that she is loved by us. Not some person that could hurt her and make her emotional unstable and leave her to die because she has been come too much to handle."

The judge says "Has this happen to you from personal experience?"

Pete says "No, but there have been cases of this happening. You might you place a kid in a good home, but foster parents aren't always the best of people. Some want the money from the state, they don't want the kids, they want the money the kids come with, they neglect the kid and just get the money from the state."

The judge says "Okay one question, why would you give her up in the first place, if you feel so strongly about not putting kids through that?"

I say "It was me, we argued for months about putting her up for adoption and I made him do. I didn't forge his signature. He gave up the fight of fighting me on this. I make very impulsive decisions at times. So me wanting nothing to with her was my own fear, of becoming my parents."

The judge asked "What are/were your parents like?"

I say "They were teen parents, they worked so much, that they weren't really in my life. Then they got really fancy job titles and I got less of their attention slowly then before, which you would think is pretty crazy. I would see them for like 5 minutes in the morning and like an hour a night. Then they got better jobs and we got a new everything. They worked all day, I never saw or cared enough towards the end. They always would pressure me to be the perfect child and never do anything wrong. I started to get into trouble and they didn't even notice, so I just stop trying to get them to care about me. I also have no siblings, no pets and pretty much no friends. I was scared that I was going to do that to Kinsley and make her life a living hell, like mine was."

The judge says "Mr. Stumph have a pretty clean track record. You a parking ticket here and there, but everything else. Is really good. Mr. Wentz on the other hand, You have a pretty severe track record, it has gotten better in the last 6 months, but you still have your offences from a couple days ago."

Pete says "Okay, I was trying to get Kinsley back in Patrick's custody. You see that he makes a really good parent and loves Kinsley with all his heart. So if you need me off the birth certificate, I'm fine with that. I just need KInsley back in Patrick's custody please."

The judge says "Okay, here's what I can give you. Mr. Stumph you get full custody and Mr. Wentz you get visitation rights with supervision, since your history and things that have happen."

I say "Thank you so much." We shake hands and they bring out Kinsley, they had her to me and I start crying. 

Pete says "You really are going to make a great parent."

I say "So will you, you will have better rights to her eventually."

Pete says "Probably not but I we can always hope for the best. I'm going back to my house, I'll see you around Chicago."

I say "Okay, I'll see you later Pete." We wave goodbye and I go home with Kinsley finally.

A/N - So this is the chapter everyone was probably looking forward to. Well here it is, I might be back, I might not I don't really know yet. I have been in a really tough spot right now, and I don't really want to anything besides read and watch reality tv. 

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now