Chapter 66: So I have official quit writing

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Diary Entry from Dallon Weekes' POV

So its like 4 am and I can't sleep at all. I then shake Brendon  and I  say "I can't sleep."

Brendon says "Okay, whats the problem?"

I say "I don't know I just can't get comfortable."

Brendon says "You want me to snuggle with you and the baby." 

I say "That would be nice." He scoots closer to me and puts his arms around me, I try to lay down then I feel my legs get wet. I scream and Brendon says "What, what?"

I say "Either I just peed myself or my water broke."

Brendon says "Lets call the midwife." I nod and Brooklynn starts crying, I stand up and hug her. I say "I know, your little sister is going to born soon."

She says "Dallon." 

Brendon says "Why did she say your name first?"

I say "Oh, you never hear have you?" He shakes his head and I start feeling the contractions. 

Time to skip to 9 am

So I've been in labour for 5 hours and it sucks. I look at Brendon and say "Can you call Ryan?"

He says "Sure" Then calls him and hands me the phone, then Ryan says "Hey you're late."

I say "Well, I'm i-. In labour." 

He says "Breathe, in and out. Then also take Brendon by the hand and tell him if he lets go, he dies."

I say "Okay." I hang up and give Brendon his phone back. Brendon says "What do you want me to do?"

I say "Just hold my hand and if you let go, I'll kill you." He sits next to me and holds my hand, then I see Brooklynn toddle into the room. 

I say "Hey Brooklynn." She gets on the bed and Hayley runs in, then says "Sorry she walked away."

I say "Its okay. I wanted to see someone elses face besides Brendon's." She laughs and says "I always hated seeing anyone's face during labour."

I say "How did you do it 3 times?"

She says "With Nichole, I literally just screamed for 14 hours. Then with CJ, all I did was say 'When this baby is born, I will never had another child.' I also said 'I want to see Nichole right now.' With Everett literally I just cried for the pain to be over and for my kids."

I say "That's what I have to look forward too." She nods and leaves with Brooklynn.

Time skip to 5 pm

I have been in labour for almost 13 hours, I want to just stop all the pain. Then I hear the midwife say "So you are 10 cm and we can start delivering in a few minutes."

Brendon says "You are about to cross the finish line." I nod and scream again, then the nurse says "Start pushing."

Time skip to last push

The nurse says "This will be the last push then the baby will be born."

I yell and I hear the nurse say "5:34:56 pm March 17, 2015"

I say "She is beautiful." I just hug her and the nurse says "What do want to name her?"

I say "Kalie Elizabeth Urie."

She says "Thats all people."

I say "I just had a baby."

Brendon says "Exactly its weird to think that she was in for 10 months."

I say "Yeah." I kiss him and we just look at the baby.

A/N - Happy Birthday Ryan Ross. I used a friends name but they gave be permission.

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα