Chapter 60: This is the feeling of ending a story

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Diary Entry from Tyler Joseph's POV

Today is my 19th birthday. Josh comes into the room and says "Get up birthday boy."

I say "Why"

Josh says "I have a surprise for you."

I say "What is it?"

Josh says "Come downstairs."

I say "Okay." I get up and we walk downstairs, I see the whole house is clean and there is a breakfast that won't make me sick.

I say "Thank you."

He says "This is only part of the surprise. You know how you wanted to have a day were its just us."

I say "Yes."

He says "Well I got Debby to watch Eli for the whole day, so we can do whatever we want."

I say "No sex."

He says "Damnit." I laugh and go to the plate then eat everything, me and Josh just sit in silence. Then Josh says "So what do you want to do today?"

I say "I want to go out to a movie, go to the music store so I can get a new ukulele. Or maybe I can get a keyboard possible a piano."

He says "Why don't we go to our closet." I nod and we walk upstairs, I open the closet door, then I saw a keyboard and started to cry.

I say "You got me a keyboard."

He says "I know how much you missed playing, so I thought why not get you a new one."

I say "I literally can't thank you enough."

He says "You could" He wiggles his eyebrows and I say "No" He then looks really sad, I just walk back downstairs.

He says "Hey do you want to go to lunch later."

I say "That would be lovely." Then I kiss him and he kissed me back, then I backed away.

Time skip to Lunch

Josh says "Tyler are you ready for Lunch."

I say "Almost."

Josh says "Hurry, we're going to be late."

I say "Fine, I'm trying." I finally get my shoes on and walk downstairs, Josh says "You look perfect like always."

I say "Thank, you look good." He laughs and we go outside, then we drive to really nice lunch place.

Josh says "We're here."

I say "Joshua, thank you for this."

He says "You're welcome. Come on, lets head inside." I nod and we get seated, we order and I say "How are you paying for this."

He says "I was working extra and making sure I made this your best birthday since last year, you were suck in a hospital bed."

I say "Thank you."

He says "You're welcome." Then we get our food and I love the food, Josh says "I knew this place had amazing food."

I say "Its perfect."

Josh says "I know, this is why I choose." I peck his lips and talk about Eli. Also what to do for his birthday.

Josh says "So we finally know what to do."

I say "This is going to be perfect."

The waiter says "Are you guys done?"

We nod and Josh says "Can we have the check please."

The waiter says "Sure, I'll be right back." After about 7 minutes, the waiter comes back with the check and Josh slips his credit card in, then hands it back to the waiter almost instantly.

The waiter says "Have a good day." We then leave and Josh says "Lets go on a walk."

I say "That would be lovely." We drive to a nearby park and walk to a park bench, then Josh says "I love you."

I say "I love you too."

Josh says "You are literally the best father, husband and person I know. You are kind and caring about everyone. You are a great musician, you make me feel like a million bucks, this what I wanted for you."

I say "Stop Josh. You literally are the best husband ever." I kiss him and he says "I will always love you." I smile and a tear falls which he wipes away.

He then says "Lets go home, its really cold." I nod and we drive home, when I get inside I see my entire family in our living.

I say "Holy shit, why are you guys here?" My parents hug me and They say "We wanted to surprise you."

I say "How long are you staying?"

They say "Until the 28."

I say "Oh my lord." They smile, then my mom says "Hey Tyler you look a little bigger in the stomach area."

I think Well I have to tell them still. I say "Lets sit down." They nod and we all sit down at the table. Then Josh walks out of our room and says "What the hell happened?"

I say "Lets sit down." He comes and sits down next me, I say "So you know how me and Josh wanted more kids in the future."

My mom says "Yes, you always talk about a big family."

I say "Well, we might have another kid sooner then we planned." I can feel the tears falling slowly, then Maddie says "Wait I'm going to be an aunt again."

I say "Maddie your going to be an aunt, Zack and Jay your going to be uncles."

My mom says "Well are you guys ready because 2 kids under 2 is alot to handle."

I say "Wait you aren't mad."

She says "No, I'm a little disappointed but also happy that I'm going to be a grandma agian. Just lets not have another kid for a little while."

Josh say "This is mostly my fault but yea, I'll try." She laughs and we watch tv finally, then I hear the someone at the door, it was Debby. I open it and say "Hey little one. How was he?"

Debby says "Fine, nothing crazy." 

I say "Thank you." She smiles and leaves, then I bring him back inside and we sit with the rest of the family.

My mom says "There's my first grandbaby." She takes him out of my hands and rocks.

A/N - This is me hating my life so I'm just writing shitty things.

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