Chapter 23: Graduation

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Okay this part is going to be a group chat about graduating.

Forehead: Today we get out of this hellhole and into the real world. 
Lunchbox: I think that I'm in labour so I might have to miss it
Wentzzzzzz: Holy Shit Pat
CheeseWhizAddict: Patrick do you want me to come over
DALDO: Oh god
mynamegeoff: This is going to be crazy
JacketSlut: Ok what the hell is going on
jtrohman: Patrick has gone into labour and everyone is freaking out
AnDy: Well okay this is going to be one hell of a day
Littlebean: Yes another baby
thebeansboyfriend: I just wake up, what?
frnk: Congrats
Arts&Crafts: Patrick just told me that he thinks he's in labour. I can't wait for the baby to be born.
Forehead: So we need to see if Patty is okay
Lunchbox: I'm fine, I'm going to the hospital.
Arts&Crafts: Ok I just trust Pete to come right now since this is the craziest thing. 
Forehead: Okay everyone we are going to stay in place. 


Patrick Stumph's POV

I get to the hospital with Mikey and everything is going crazy. Then again I feel the baby kick. We then get checked in and the doctor says "You are about 7 1/2 cm and we will put you under when you g-"

I say "When I get to 10. I know." The doctor then walks out and Mikey grabs my hand. He says "Soon you'll go back to your normal life."

I say "I will never be normal but I wouldn't have a kid to screw up like my parents did with me."

Mikey says "Have you met my parents, I don't think that many people could do a worse job then my parents. Maybe Awsten's mom but we all know that."

I say "You think that I'm good enough."

Mikey says "Patrick Martin Stumph you are the most amazing person in the world but you can't let your childhood dictate the rest of your life."

I say "How are you not scared that you'll fuck this kid to the point that they hate you."

Mikey says "That lives in the back of my mind as well. Everyone's a little fucked, some more then others but you need to be a little fucked up to have personality." I laugh and scream a string of cruse words. 

Time skip to the c-section

Then bring the drap over my stomach and the doctor says that the baby will be out soon. I sit and wait for the baby. After about 10 minutes, we hear a little scream. Then Mikey starts to cry and I feel the tears. 

The doctor says "Its a girl"

Mikey says "What's the name."

I say "Kinsley, after Pete be-"

Mikey says "I know I dated the guy for about 4 years."

I say "I know. I was jealous of you."

Mikey says "Okay I know. Lets just relax"

I nod and calm down. 


Brendon Urie's POV

Today a big day for 2 reasons 

1. We are graduating from high school
2. The Peterick baby is being born. 

I get into the gown and I call all my friends. It was really weird not to have Patrick there since he always said that he would be the one that got every home after we got hammer drunk. Now he is in the hospital.

I then get a call right before any of our names are called from Mikey. I say "Hi"

Mikey says "Well the baby has a name and is going into adoption as we speak-k" 

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