Chapter 10: Hey y'all double update

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Diary Entry from Patrick Stumph's POV

A/N - This takes place as the last part.

I haven't talked to Pete since Mikey and I got together. I look at my phone and realise that I never asked why he got so upset of me giving the baby up for adoption. I pick up my phone and call Pete. 

He picks up and says "What do you want besides my ex."

I say "To ask you why do you want this baby so much."

He sighs and says "I was given up for adoption and my biological parents were 14 when they got pregnant with me."

I say "Sorry w-"

He says "Theres more. When I went to find them at 14, my mom was married and had 2 daughters. My dad was in the army and had a daughter as well. They said that they loved me but wouldn't take me back."

I say "What about when you got adopted?"

He says "My parents are amazing. I was 6 when I was placed with them, it was that I got tossed around. Then I got adopted when I was 8, it was amazing to know people wanted me."

I ask "Have you talk to your parents since you were 14?"

He sighs and says "My dad died last year in a surprise attack. My mom, sometimes but not really."

I say "Why didn't you tell me?"

He says "Most people think that my parents are biological related to me. So it really didn't seem important to me at that time. Well was there another purpose to call me."

I say "Yes, I want to see what your doing at for Christmas?"

He says "Nothing because my parents are visiting my sister. I decide that I didn't want to go with them this year since I will see her over spring break. So are you inviting me over?"

I say "Actually kinda, I haven't asked Mikey and I wanted you two to talk more since you have a baby together."

He says "Well no thanks. I don't want to see him again. He needs to apologise to me for embrassing me infornt everyone in the school."

I say "I'm sorry but you need to talk to him one of these days. I want this baby to have both of its parents in its life."

He says "What about our baby, you want to give them up."

I say "This is not about our baby but your daughter who you refuse to see because your pissed at Mikey."

He says "Did you just say my daughter because that means you know the gender."

I say "Well maybe if you talked to Mikey, you would know that you're having a little girl. So come to dinner and you can put your differences and just think about your daughter."

He says "I'll think about." He hangs up the phone and I call Mikey. 

Mikey answers and says "Hi babe."

I say "Hi Mikey. Do you want to come over for Christmas dinner tomorrow?"

Mikey says "Did you invite Pete."

I lied "No because I didn't want to."

He says "Good, sure I'm come"

I say "Great see you tomorrow."

I end the call and lay back in my bed. I then sleep. 

A/N - This is a cliffhanger. Some kid called me a dyke and I posted about it on instagram as well. Also I have more stuff for the next 2 weeks so bye.

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