Chapter 30: I need to sleep

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Diary Entry from Josh Dun's POV

It is my birthday today. I turn 19 today, I stand up and grab Eli. I just rock him and say "Good morning kid." Eli laughed and we walked downstairs. 

I say "So kid what type of food do you want this fine morning" I open the fridge and look for the his food. I find something random and grab it. I put him in his highchair and I start feeding him. Once we finish, I was worried because I hadn't seen Tyler since I walked out of our room.

I say "Where in God's green Earth is your dad." Eli starts to cry and I walk upstairs. I put him on the changing table. I then change his diaper and his clothes. Tyler was still asleep. I was a little worried because Tyler usually woke up before me. I push it to the side and take Eli back downstairs.

I put on tv and put Eli in his seat next to me. We watch tv and Eli starts to cry. I start to rock Eli and he quieted down. I then grabbed a bottle and I started to feed him. He fall asleep in my arms. I carry him upstairs and put him in his crib. I then put on the baby monitor and watch tv. I then eat lunch and clean the house a little. I look in the fridge and I find a cupcake with a note on it.

It says I love you so much, I wanted to say Happy 19th Birthday. Love Tyjo soon to be Tydun. xoxo

I grab it and get a candle. Then I hear Eli and walk upstairs. I get him and say "Hi kid, is your dad still asleep." He just continues and I rock him. He then continues and I realise that I need to change him. I change him and walk downstairs. I give him some food and I put him on the floor because he likes to crawl around. I just work on job application and I think I should light that candle.

I then hear a loud bang and Eli crying. I see he was on the floor and was crying because one of Tyler's trophies fell on the floor. I rock him and make sure he is okay. He is but the noise just scared him. I put him on my lap and we work on applications. 

I say "Okay kid lets go for a walk." He then starts to cry and I run upstairs. I change his diaper and clothes. I get the stroller and walk to the car. We drive to the park, and we walk around. I put him in the swing and I swing him. He liked it. It was around 5 pm and I say "We should go home."

I put him in the car and we drive back. I get home and give Eli dinner. I put him in his bouncer and I eat some dinner of my own. I then grab Eli and I walk upstairs, then change his diaper and put him in pjs. I watch tv with him, then I give him a bottle. He goes to sleep and I take him upstairs.

I walk back downstairs and I think "Why have I not seen Tyler all day" I go to the cupcake and light the candle. I say "Well this is amazing Tyler." I blow out the candle and eat the cupcake. I then put on some tv.

Its was close to midnight and I needed to sleep. I crawl into bed, and wake up Tyler and says "Hi"

Tyler says "Did I miss anything?"

I lie and tell him "No" He kissed me and turned over. I hear him snore and I fell asleep. 

A/N - I feel bad but that was me yesterday. I slept until half past noon.

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