Chapter 20: Just another birthday.

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Diary Entry from Patrick Stumph's POV

Today is my birthday and Mikey wakes me up with a stack of pancakes. I kiss him and say "Thank you, also your lips taste like maple."

Mikey laughs and says "This little girl wanted maple syrup so I drank a little."

I say "Okay your daughter is almost as weird as you." He pretends to be fake offended. He then laughs and I get out of bed. I get dress and Mikey comes behind me and says "Okay have you thought maybe you want to be a parent."

I say "I haven't changed my mind, I still want to give them up for adoption."

Mikey says "Do you wanna still father my little girl?" I nod and say "Of course." He nods and we walk downstairs. Then Frank says "Happy birthday Patrick. Guess what were naming our baby."

I say "Okay hit me."

Frank says "Happy Jules Alexander Way, But we call him Jules."

I say "Does he have 2 first names or 2 middle names."

Frank says "2 first names, Happy Jules." I nod and we leave for school. Mikey says "What is that name?" I start to laugh and we just drive. I say "What about you and Pete's little girl's name?"

Mikey says "Pete always said he liked Caliah. So I was thinking Caliah or Evangeline Wentz-Way."

I say "What about Evangeline Caliah or Caliah Evangeline Wentz-Way." 

Mikey says "Evangeline Caliah Wentz-Way."

I say "Your daughter finally has a name at almost 9 months." Mikey lets out a small laugh. We then get to school. I walk inside and all my friends walk up and say happy birthday. It was weird because I haven't seen Brendon since his birthday. He always brought so much energy. I go to class. 

I see Pete in second period and say "Hey guess what your daughter's name is?"

He says "What?"

I say "Evangeline Caliah Wentz-Way."

Pete jumps up and says "Wait you helped right?"

I say "Not really, I just helped him pick the order."

Pete says "Okay I wanna talk to Mikey now." Then the teacher walked in. 

Time skip to Lunch

I walk inside, I see Mikey and Pete talking. I say "Hey"

Mikey says "Okay thank you for your help. I love you so much."

I say "I love you too, what did I do?"

Mikey says "You got me and Pete to talk." I rise my eyebrow and then Mikey says "You  were trying and you did this by accident." I laugh. We then sit and talk about nothing.

Time skip to leaving school

I get out and drive towards Brendon's house. We then get to his house and we see Ryan's car. I say "Okay something happened." Mikey nods. We then park and get out. Me and Mikey walk to the door and ring the doorbell. It opens to Brendon with a baby and a full beard. 

I say "Hi you had the baby and told no one."

Brendon says "Well yes and no. I told me and Ryan's closets friends and Ry's family about her birth."

I say "How old is she?"

Brendon says "About 2 weeks"

I say "We wanted to see if you and Ryan were still alive." He laughs and says "Ryan is out getting more formula for little Miss Brook."

Mikey asked "What happened?"

Brendon says "You might wanna sit down for this one." We walk inside and we all sit on the couch. Brendon says "We went shopping for baby things. We were out at the store. We then leave and get the things in the car. Then Ryan says that it was fun then stops mid sentence because his water broke."

I say "Wait how is this weird."

Brendon says "We get into the car at like 2:30, we sit there but Brook wasn't going to wait for a hospital bed. So Ryan says he could feel her head. He then takes off his pants and says he needs to push."

I say "Wait did you make it to the hospital."

Brendon says "He starts pushing at 5:23 and she was born at 5:31 pm. So not even 10 minutes later Brook was out. We then sat in traffic for another 50-60 minutes."

I say "So that was crazy wasn't it." I think I don't think I could do that.

Then Brook starts to cry and Brendon rocks. I say "Hey do you want your homework." 

He says "Yes, I need to catch up now." I think I can't think I could do that yet.

A/N - Okay I just looked on wattpad and I saw that people have been voting. Thank you so much people. Also 100 reads. Thank you guys for doing that. 

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