Chapter 24: This it......I'm kidding

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Diary Entry from Pete Wentz's POV

I race to my car and drive to the hospital because I need to tell Patrick that's he's not alone. I get there and sign in. I walk into there room and I say "Why is the paperwork still here?"

Patrick says "They haven't gotta to get it yet."

I say "Patrick you don't need to face this on your own. Me and Mikey will be right here by your side through thick and thin. So please just listen to me and not the monster inside your head."

Patrick looks and is on the verge of tears. I say "Hey don't cry, do you want to tell Mikey or me." Mikey was still severely confused. Patrick says almost too quiet to hear "You." I walk outside and explain everything to Mikey. We walk back inside and Patrick is crying. 

Mikey says "Do you really wanna have this baby?" Patrick sighs and says "Yes and no, because I love them but that is just apart of being Kinsley carrier. Then no because I feel that I need to grow up more before I put parenthood on my shoulders."

I say "Okay. Can I met Kinsley?" Patrick nods and Mikey brings her over, I say "Hi Kins, I'm your other dad Peter, but most call me Pete for short. I wish that I could know you but I'm super young. I'm only 18 and I have to go to college. Also your other dad Patrick, is a little upset and we will visit you as much as we can." She then opens her eyes and blinked at me. I then start to cry.I take hold of her and walk over to Patrick. Patrick says "I know she is cute but I can't look at her, it will only make it harder to let her go."

I say "Patrick just look at her." Patrick turns around and holds her. Patrick says "Well you have only seen the inside of me. Well this is what I look like kid, I know different from just my organs" 

Then the doctor walks in. He says "We are here to finalise the paperwork that y'all signed earlier." We all nod and they talk about everything. I say "So this is it." Patrick starts to sob and says "I wish I could tell you everything but here's it, you are very important and I love you a bunch even if a while away."

Mikey says "I'm your stepdad and I love you too."

I say "I love you to the point that I had arguements with your dad over there about keeping you. I will always love you even if its from a thousand miles away." I kiss her and they take her away.

Patrick says "I feel a lot things that I didn't wanna feel but I do."

I say "Why?"

Patrick says "I love Kinsley so much yet I can't have her ever again."

I say "We can visit with her foster parents when our schedule allow." Patrick eyes light up and we all hug. Then we begin to cry. Around 10 pm, I left and texted everyone. 

Wentzzzzzz: Kinsley is in the foster system offical
Forehead: Hey is everything okay with the 3 of y'all.
littlebeansboyfriend: Seriously
Wentzzzzzz: Yes, we talked about visiting her when we can. Then be the best bio parents she could have.
Littlebean: Okay we all are here for you guys.

I then turn my phone over and go to bed. 

A/N - I got 4 hours of sleep last night. I said Friday but I had finished  this chapter and I could because no one was around. So the next update will be Friday. Also happy pride month. I know but I updated my instagram at like midnight so I might to forget to do everywhere else. 

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now