Chapter 52: I'm tired

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Diary Entry from Frank Iero's POV

I get up today and get all of the clothes repacked. I then get Jules and Gerard says "So do you want to drive the truck this time."

I say "No thanks honey." He nods and we start to walk downstairs, then I realise that we need to get the bottle out of the dishwasher. Then I walk to the kitchen and get the bottle, afterwards I go to the car and we leave.

Gerard halfway calls me "Honey"

I say "G what happened you sound worried."

Gerard says "So you need to pull over and wait for me."

I say "Why?"

Gerard says "I'm getting a ticket right now."

I say "What did you do?"

Gerard says "I don't know but the officier is coming"

I say "Okay. Bye, I love you and we'll be here."

Gerard says "I love you too, I'll pull infront of you then we can talk."

I say "Bye."

Time skip to later

Then a truck pulls infront which was Gerard. He gets out and says "Hi love"

I jump into his arms and say "Are you okay?" I then pick up the baby and say "So how much is the ticket?"

Gerard says "150 and probably court fees as well."

I say "What the fuck, how fast were you going?"

Gerard says "80 mph, in a 55."

I say "Gerard Arthur Way, why in blue hell would you do that? You knew that there were cops, now you have to pay for something that you could have avoided altogether if you just slowed the fuck down."

Gerard says "Okay maybe you should calm down."

I say "I should be calm, you just got a ticket."

Gerard says "This isn't that bad actually."

I say "Why is it not bad?"

Gerard says "You do realise that I've had multiple speeding tickets."

I say "Still we don't have that type of money."

Gerard says "We don't but I do. I'll pay."

I say "Okay, were is this money coming from?"

Gerard says "I have money saved up for something that I'll take a little out of."

I say "What are you saving up for?"

Gerard says "Something."

I say "I wouldn't push. Lets just get to Geoff and Awsten's." Gerard nods and we head back on the road.

Time skip to The Wigington Household

I knock on the door and Rory opens the door. I say "Hey Rory were is Awsten or Geoff." She then points to the kitchen, she walks away after. I then walk to the kitchen and see Geoff cleaning.

Geoff says "Hi how are you guys? If the place is a little bit of a hot mess right now."

I say "Its okay. So where is Awsten right now?"

Geoff says "He is sleeping for once in the last couple days."

I say "Why is he not sleeping"

He says "He has to pee, then he can't get comfortable or he has a braxton hick in the middle of the night. Also she likes to move around all the time, so she'll kick him or she'll curl up into his ribs."

I say "That sucks."

He says "He just kinda lays in bed and try to sleep. Also he still gets really nauseous and at night its horrible."

I say "So how are you?"

He says "Rory is in the terrible twos stage of her life and I have to do everything now, because Aws is to tired to do anything. All he does is try to sleep and can't stay up."

I say "Sorry dude." He nods and we talk a little more.

A/N - So I reread a couple of the first chapters and realised that I really need to proof read things before I send them into the universe. Also I haven't really been in the mood to write this week.

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now