Chapter 31: Oops....I'm still alive

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When there is smut/fluff but I'll put💄at the beginning and the end 

Diary Entry from Tyler Joseph's POV

I wake up and I see Josh still asleep like usual. I get up and check my phone and see its June 19. I slept through Josh's birthday. I am a great finance, I feel bad, I completely slept through Josh's birthday. I grab Eli and say "Did I really slept through your dad's birthday." He starts to fuss and Josh wakes up.

I say "I'm so so so so sorry about sleeping through yesterday."

Josh says "Its okay, no one told me and said anything."

I say "I wish I could take that back." I went to kiss him and he walked downstairs. I walk downstairs with Eli. I see Josh holding baby food and he says "Do you want to feed him or do you wanna feed him."

I say "I'll feed him and would you mind making breakfast"

He says "Okay." He rolls his eyes. I say "What the hell did I do to piss you off?"

He yells "You fucking slept through my damn birthday."

I say "I'm sorry but I didn't know that I needed to sleep like that."

He says "Did you know what the day before was."

I say "Yes b-"

He says "Don't say but shit, you knew that yesterday was my birthday or did you forget that too." I put my head down and nod.

He say "How long have we been together."

I say "3 1/2 years"

He says "I think that's long enough to remember my birthday."

I say "I'm sorry but have you not lived this hella of a year that we had."

He says "I remembered your birthday and you can't remember one fucking day that is so important."

I say "Well I can't do anything now."

He says "You could take me on a date or we could go to the park, maybe you could ask your parents to watch Eli so we could have a day to ourselves." I then run upstairs and lock out bedroom door.

I hear Josh and he says "Ty open the door."

I say "Go away because I'm unable to do anything but fuck up our relationship."

He says "Ty its okay, I still love even if you forget things."

I say "Like the last year when I forget our anniversary."

He says "Or when you forgot your own birthday." We both start to laugh and I open the door. Josh kissed me and says "We need to get Eli."

I run downstairs and I grab Eli. I run upstairs and change him. I call my parents and say "Can you watch Eli for a couple hours. Well bring him around 10."

My mom says "Sure but why would we watch him?"

I say "Can you just watch him."

My mom says "Okay sweetheart. Also don't forget protection, we don't need another baby in this house."

I say "What the hell mom and thanks. Bye." I hang up and walk downstairs, I say "Josh."

He says "Yea Ty."

I say "We need to go to my parents around 10 to drop off Eli there."

Josh says "This is your way of apologising for yesterday."

I say "Yes, we have to get ready its almost 9 am." We get ready and eat breakfast. I walk downstairs and say "Its 10 minutes to 10 and I want to leave. Do we have everything."

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now