Chapter 28: I don't even know anymore

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Diary Entry from Geoff Wigington's POV

I shake Awsten awake and he says "What the hell is today?"

I say "Gender reveal and you need to get up." Awsten turns over and Rory starts to cry. I walk to her room and pick her up. I say "Hi Rory, did you sleep well."

Awsten walks in and says "I can't wait for this baby."

I say "Well get ready because we have a doctor's appointment. We don't need to be late again." Awsten sighs and walked away. Me and Rory then walk downstairs. I grab her breakfast and give it to her. Then make my own breakfast, and sit with her.

She throws her bowl and I say "Farore we do not throw our food on the floor." I pick it up and put it on high chair. 

Awsten comes downstairs and says "Well we are going to be late if Miss Farore will not hurry up."

Rory says "Fuck oof" I try not to laugh and Awsten as well. I say "Farore we do not use that language in this house."

Awsten says "Farore if you use that word again you will be in more trouble." Rory nods and I grab her out her chair. I walk upstairs with Rory and says "Your Awsten is the most amazing person also I'm better right."

Rory says "Of suwe" I laugh and put her in shorts and a t shirt. I walk downstairs and Awsten says "Wow now its your turn to put clothes on."

I say "Take Rory and I'll get dressed" I put Rory on the floor and  go upstairs to get dressed. I walk back downstairs and Awsten is sleeping on the couch. I say "Well its time to go sleepyhead." Awsten nods and walks to the car. I get Rory and we walk to the car. She then throws a fit about a toy.

Awsten says "Farore stop, Duck will get the toy if you calm down but if not, you will not get it."

Rory says "Can you get me toy?"

I say "Sure, I'll be right back." I get her town and walk back outside. Then I see Rory and Awsten sitting in the front seat talking. I say "Rory lets get into your seat and her is your toy."

Rory says "Wes and tamk yohow" I grab her and I put her in the seat. I get into the driver seat and I say "Okay we are really late, and lets go." Awsten nods and we drive to the doctor's.

We get inside and I sign us in. A second after I sit down, they call us in. We look at the ultrasound and the tech says "Do you wanna know the gender?" We nod and she says "You are having a little girl." 

I say "Well that is amazing." I kiss Awsten and Rory says "What is gendy?"

I say "Little sister." She starts to cry and says "No brother."

I say "Boys suck you want to have a sister." She shakes her head and continues to cry. I then pick her up and carry her out of the office. She says "Why can't I have a brother."

I say "That is the way the world works we don't always get what we want so you kind of have to deal with it."

Rory says "Well it sucks."

I say "I know Roars, I know." We just stand outside and about 5 minutes later Awsten walks out and says "She is she okay now." 

I say "She calmed down but also she needs to nap."

Awsten says "Okay now lets go." I nod and put Rory in her carseat. Then we sit in silence. We get home and I put Rory in her bed. Awsten says "Well she was tired."

I say "If she wasn't tired, she probably would have reacted better then she did. When she's tired she gets more upset about little things."

Awsten says "Whats this little girls name?"

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now