Chapter 36: HAPPY DAY BACK.

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Diary Entry from Mikey Way's POV

I wake up around 1 am in extreme pain, then I feel my legs get really wet. I then walk to the bathroom and I realise that my water just broke. I then get a contraction and scream from the pain. Patrick walks in and says "Are you okay?"

I say "I think my water broke and I just got a contraction."

Patrick says "Okay, we should go to the hospital since the baby is going to be born today."

I say "Just get in the car before I drive off wi-" I then stop to breathe through another contraction, after that one, we drive to the hospital.

We get signed in and then we go to a labour room. I just sit there at 3 cm and for about 1 1/2. The doctor says "Well we're gonna give you something to speed up your labour." They put a needle in my veins and I get to push a button. 

I have been in labour for 10 hours, I just got to 10 cm and the nurse is getting the doctor so I can get this baby out of me. After about 2 hours the doctor comes in and says "I'm sorry but I was with a couple that had a stillborn."

I nod and they say "The baby is facing sideways but we might be able to turn her from the inside."

I say "What are you gonna do?"

The doctor says "I will put my hand into your utreus and try and twist." I nod and the doctor starts. After about 2 hours, the doctor says "Well I think we might have to do a c-section."

I say "Is there any other way of getting her out?"

The doctor says "No, sadly." I nod and they put me in scrubs. Then we go to the OR and about 10 minutes later, they say "She is a healthy baby girl." 

I kiss Patrick and they show me her. I say "I'm a dad, I have a little girl to protect from the evil of the world."

The nurse says "Whats her name?"

I say "Evangeline Caliah Wentz-Way"

The nurse says "Welcome Evangeline Caliah Wentz-Way born June 29, at 3:50 pm"

I say "Well I can't believe that I'm a dad." Patrick nods and I just sit there. 

I get to the room and I get to hold the baby. I say "Hi Evangeline. You have 3 dads. Me, Your stepdad and dad."

She starts to cry and I rock her to sleep. I just hold her as the tears flow out of me. I then just fall asleep. I wake up and its 7 pm, the baby is crying, then I get a bottle and feed her. She goes to sleep and Patrick says "Can I hold her?"

I say "Sure." I hand her to him and I just watch him with the baby. I say "Do you like this?"

Patrick says "I love it, she is perfect and I don't want Kinsley back, but we will visit."

I say "I never said that. I just said that do you like holding a baby?"

Patrick says "You were implying."

I say "Sorry if you took it that way." Partick rolls his eyes and I go back to sleep. I wake up to Patrick changing Eva. I just pretend to sleep while Patrick talks to the baby. At around 10 am, I wake up and Patrick says "Do you want to call everyone now."

I say "Sure." He calls everyone and we watch the baby. Then Pete shows up and says "I want to meet the baby."

I say "You can hold her." I pick her up and hand her to Pete. He says "Hi my mini queen. I'm one of your dads. I'm Pete, your dad that created you."

I say "Pete, what are you doing?"

Pete says "I don't even know anymore."

I say "Truly."

My mom and dad walk in and says "Hi Mikey, how was the birth?"

I say "My water broke, then I was in labour for 14 hours, then I had a c-section"

My mom says "Can we hold the baby?"

I say "Sure if Pete lets go of her."

Pete says "Okay fine please don't break her."

My dad says "We had 2 kids, we aren't going to break her." They hold her and say "What's her name?"

I say "Evangeline or Eva for short."

My mom says "Hi Eva, I'm Grannie and this is Popsie"

I say "Are G and Frank coming?"

My mom says "I don't know." The baby starts to cry and I feed her. Then I just rock her and Gerard walks in with Jules.

I say "Hey bro and nephew. Where is your boyfriend?"

Gerard says "He is in the car getting the presents for you because you brought things for me, now its my turn." Frank walks in and has a blanket, some pacifiers and a bottle. I say "Thank you for doing this."

Frank says "No problem, you need it." We just sit there and Pete's parents walk in. Pete's mom says "Can I hold the baby?"

I then hand her the baby. She says "I'm Nana and thats Granddad"

I just watch everyone spend time with her. Then everyone leaves except Patrick and Pete. They just talk while I sleep.

I wake up and I was so happy to have my baby daddy/best friend and boyfriend here. Them finally not arguing for once.  

A/N - I bruised my leg today at my brothers baseball game. Its a long story, but it involves my leg and a plastic park bench. Also I based Evangeline's birth after my own, that actually happened. My mom was in labour for 14 hours then had a c-section with me. Everything I said happened to my mom. With my younger brothers, they were a scheduled c-section, so it was MUCH easier for my parents then me. 

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