Chapter 76: So this is the last chapter before the end

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Diary Entry from Josh Dun's POV

I hear my alarm go off and Tyler look kinda scared, I say "Hi baby"

He says "Well guess we're going to have 2 birthdays today."

I say " mean the baby is coming?"

He says "If my water just broke, yes. We are going to have a baby today."

I say "Okay. Lets get ready to leave."

He says "We have to call Jenna."

I say "Okay." He picks up the phone, whilst I go and get Elijah. I say "So, your little brother is going to be born."

He says "No."

I say "Yes."

He says "I dove want a buthor"

I say "Well me and Dada are having another baby."

He says "NO"

I say "Yes, sir." He then starts to cry and I say "I know being the oldest sucks. Me and Dada have younger siblings. You know Aunt Ashley."

He says "Yes."

I say "She's my younger sister. You know uncle Zack?"

He nods and I say "He's Dada's younger brother."

He says "Why?"

I say "Why, what buddy?"

He says "Why replace me?"

I say "No buddy. You're not being replaced, someone else is just coming into the family. We will love you the same, even when Aiden is born."

He says "Okay." 

I say "Well we have to get ready."

He says "Fine." We then get dressed and I say "You're going to hang out with Jenna for a couple days while me and Dada are in the hospital."

He says "Okay." Then I see Tyler and he is waddling over to us, I say "Elijah's going to hate this baby."

Tyler says "What?"

I say "He had an entire meltdown, when I was talking about Aiden."

Tyler says "It makes sense." I nod and we drive to Jenna's drop off Elijah, then we drive to the hospital.

We get into our room and the nurse says "It looks like your doing all natural."

Tyler says "Yes."

She says "This is going to hurt a lot."

Tyler says "I had one child born all-natural, so why not do it again."

She says "Okay."

Tyler says "Can you just check me?" She nods then checks and says "You are 5 cm, so you are already half way there."

Tyler says "This hurts less then last time."

I say "Tyler, you don't remember do you?"

Tyler says "What?"

I say "You were fine at this point, but then you lost after about 5 1/2."

Tyler says "No."

Time skip to noon

We've been here 5 hours and Tyler is screaming bloody murder. Tyler says "I love yo-" He then screams and I say "I love you too."

Tyler pulls me to his face and says "No more." 

I say "Okay." He lets go and screams more, the nurse says "Can I check you?"

Tyler nods and she says "You are at 9 cm."

I say "Yes, this time. It only took you 7 hours." We smile and I listen to Tyler scream, then I hear him say "Baby" It had only been 28 minutes, I get the nurse and she says "Okay, Tyler."

Tyler says "How far?"

She says "You are still 9 cm." We then sit there for 3 more hours, the nurse says "Have we improved at all?"

Tyler shruggs and she says "You are still at 9." Tyler starts crying and I say "Hey Ty, this is not your fault. You remember with Eli, how we were so scared."

He nods and I say "You said I need a calm person and I wasn't calm."

He smiles at the memory and I say "You also told me not to leave your side for a second?"

He laughs and I say "You were crying because you didn't know if Eli was going to make it."

He nods and I say "Eli is now the healthiest little boy, he is going to be 2 years old in December. You always get so worked up about how your body is failing. You are doing perfectly fine."

He wipes a tear and I peck him lips, then I say "Also you asked why does the human body do this? I never got to answer, to make these little things that make the work do 'round." He screams and I say "What?"

He says "Contraction, sorry." I smile and laugh.

Time skip to 6 pm

The nurse says "So how are you doing?"

Tyler says "Terrible."

The nurse says "I just checked you and you're fully dialated."

Tyler smiles and I say "Yes." The nurse leaves and then 5 minutes later, a bunch storm the room. The doctor says "Start pushing."

Tyler pushed for 2 hours and the doctor says "The baby will be here on the next push."

Tyler pushed and we hear a faint cry, I say "Baby, you did it again."

Tyler says "I'm so tired again." 

I say "I know." Then they hand us the baby and I say "Hi Aiden."

The nurse says "What's the middle name?"

Tyler says "Ross." Me and Tyler start crying. 

The next morning

So its about 8 am and Jenna said she might bring Eli over, I start getting ready and Tyler is still asleep. We hear a knock at the door and I say "Come in."

I pick up Eli and say "Dada, is sleeping but do you want to meet Aiden."

Elijah says "Sure." I walk him over to Aiden and say "This is Aiden, he's your little brother."

Elijah says "Hi."

I say "He doesn't talk."

Elijah says "Why?"

I say "Because he doesn't."

Elijah says "Why is he so small?"

I say "Because he's a baby." The Aiden starts crying and Elijah goes "Why is he so loud?"

I put Elijah down and pick up baby, then hands him to Tyler. He starts feeding him and I pick Elijah and I say "That's how he tells us, he wants things."

Elijah says "Weird." I start laughing, and Elijah says "He cute."

A/N - So fun fact, when my younger siblings came home from the hospital. I was like 3, by the way, I said "Why are they so small." They were tiny and then they started crying, I go and say "Why are they so loud?"

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now