Chapter 14: Hello again

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Diary Entry from Patrick Stumph's POV

Today was Valentine's Day and I needed to talk to Mikey. He said that He wanted to talk eventually then we never did. So I am taking a risk and talking to him. I walk up and say "Micheal Jame Way I need to talk to you."

He says "Okay what do you want from me Patrick?"

I say "I'm sorry for what I said over winter break. I was being a dick and was pissed. I didn't mean any of it. I j-"

Mikey says "You think that an apologise is going to smooth everything over." I nod and he says "You are mostly right but I need you to know that if you don't want to be a father then why date me."

I say "Its different with your daughter I can't disappoint her. With my own kid, I will disappoint them with my life."

Mikey says "You think that your a disappointment because you got pregnant and wouldn't be able to provide for them." I nod and I say "With you they have an amazing dad that can be there more than I could ever be."

Mikey says "You really think that because I have a brother that backs me in all my endeavours that I am a better fit parent. My parents had me so that they could get money off of their taxes each year."

I say "My parents were always working and saying that having kids young is a horrible desicion."

Mikey says "How old were your parents when you were born." 

I mumble "15 & 18 years old."

Mikey understood me and says "They have always told you to finish college and then have kids." I nod and Mikey says "Now you did the same and they are disappointed."

I say "At first they almost kicked me out of their house. Then they lighted up and said that it is my decision if I want to keep it. I said no because I watched my parents struggle with money my entire childhood and I couldn't let my own kid have that."

Mikey says "So you want them to have a better life then you did. You don't want to end up like your parents with a bunch of crazy jobs and never seeing your kid." I nod and break down into tears.

Mikey then comforts me and I wish that we were still dating. We then head to class, once I finished crying.

A/N - Question do y'all want a sequel that everyone comes into after they give birth or at the end of the book. We start the sequel with everyone having their baby.

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