Chapter 64: I'm sorry about the short chapters

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Diary Entry from Tyler Dun's POV

Today we find out if we're having a boy or girl. 

I get up and start making breakfast. After making breakfast, I sit down and say "Hey baby."

My belly moves and I say "So are you a boy or girl. One kick for girl or One punch for boy." I then felt a punch and say "So you're going to be another boy."

Then Josh walks down and says "Who are you talking to?"

I say "I'm talking to the baby."

Josh says "Okay." He walks to the kitchen and I say "What? Most people do it."

Josh says "Okay, but can the baby really hear what you're saying?"

I say "Yes. They actually have scientific proven."

Josh says "If I say something to them and they respond. Its the real deal." I lift my shirt and Josh bends down to my bump, he says "Okay kid, I want you to do a flip?" He puts his hands on my stomach and says "Okay did he?"

I say "Kinda, he's not the best at things besides kick and punch." He definitely flip but I wanted Josh to understand that he isn't always going to do what you want.

Josh says "Okay so talking to him works. You win this fight."

I say "When have you ever won one of these fights." He flipped me the bird and walked to get me breakfast, then I hear Eli crying and run upstairs. I see him and pick up then say "So you want to see if your going to have a little brother or sister. I'm saying brother."

He says "Brvver" I nod and walk downstairs, Josh says "Do you want to feed him or will I do the honors."

I say "I will do this one." He then walked to the table and I put Eli in seat then get his food. I feed him and Josh says "So what gender do you think we're having?" 

I say "What do you think?"

Josh says "Girl and its 15 dollars."

I say "No higher, we bid 30 on Eli make the bid higher. 50 bucks."

Josh says "Fine. What do you think?"

I say "Boy and I if I win I get to pick the middle name."

Josh says "No you get to pick the first letter of the middle name."

I say "You have a deal." We shake hands and he gets Eli ready, then I get ready for the day. I come downstairs and see Josh fully dressed and I say "When did you get dressed?"

Josh says "I keep a pair of clothes in Eli's closet, because you take forever." I laugh and we leave for the appointment.

Time skip to later in the appointment

The nurse says "Do you want to know the gender?"

We say in unison "Yes."

She says "It looks like a..."

I say "Okay what is it?"

She says "A boy. Congrats its a boy." I throw my arms up and I say "Ha, Joshua I win this one."

Josh says "What letter do you want?"

I say "I want my money." He nods and handed me a 50 dollar bill.

Josh says "I can't believe you call it."

I say "I asked him if he was a girl or boy. He answered boy."

Josh says "Hey thats not fair, you asked him." I laugh and we get a couple of pictures of the baby. 

Time skip to late at night

Me and Josh finally sit down after cleaning the whole house. Josh says "Why did you do that?"

I say "I want to nest but I needed to do something adjacent to nesting because I have nothing to nest with."

Josh says "Sorry. We can buy so stuff later." 

I say "Okay. That would be nice." 

Josh says "Have you thought of a letter for this kid's name?"

I say "I want R, because you got to pick Elijah's middle name and you used your's. So its my turn."

Josh says "You want Robert for this one's middle name."

I say "No I wanted R for Robert." He nods and turns to the TV, I kissed him and go to bed.

A/N - I'm kinda back, I will be gone for a little longer and I go back to school in a week. I literally hate my life. Updates will be kinda crazy, sorry. 

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now