Chapter 74: My life is a hot mess

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Diary Entry from Dallon Weekes' POV

I wake up to Brendon's stupid alarm and shove him, he says "What?"

I say "Your fucking alarm." He nods and turns it off, then says "Happy birthday Mr. Weekes."

I say "Shut up, its too early for this."

He says "Well actually, its 7 o'clock. You should get your day started."

I say "Go to Hell, Urie"

Brendon says "See you there." Then leaves and a second later Kalie starts crying and Brooklynn starts calling me. I pick up Kalie and race over to Brooklynn's room, get here walk downstairs. 

I say "Hey, Brendon."

Brendon yells from the kitchen "Yea"

I say "Can you watch Brooklynn while I change Kalie."

Brendon comes out and says "Sure." I run upstairs and change Kalie's diaper, then come back downstairs and see Brendon & Brooklynn making something while Brendon sings his breakfast song.

I say "So what are you making today?"

Brendon says "Literally, an omelette with cheese and mushrooms."

I say "Okay. Hey can you make some Doctor P-"

Brendon says "Here's your Doctor P. Also sorry, that I woke up Brooklynn & Kalie."

I say "Its okay. I needed to get up anyway."

Brendon says "Before I go. I wanted to give you something."

He hands me an envelope and I open to revel, a letter:

So, here we go Dallon. These past couple years have been insane but you make so sane. You are always there, from when Ryan & I found out to now. You were the outcast and I was the weirdo, who took a chance on you. I fell in love with the first time you ever talked to, it was different from every other time I had been "in love" with someone. You are the most perfect dad to Kalie & Brooklynn. I wish you the best birthday.

I wipe away the tears and hug Brendon then he says "I'm going to be late but I'll see you later."

I say "Love you." I peck his lips and he runs out the door, Brooklynn says "Happy Birdday."

I say "Thanks Brooklynn." Then we eat breakfast and then get ready for daycare.

Time skip to later

As we leave daycare, I get a call from Brendon. I say "Hey Brendon, what's up?"

Brendon says "So, I just got a call from Patrick, that I wanted to tell you."

I say "Is it good or bad?"

Brendon says "Both."

I say "Give me the good first."

Brendon says "Patrick is 9 months pregnant."

I say "Okay, how did he hide that from everyone."

Brendon says "Pete says he found out only a week ago. Also the baby is Mikey's and Pete is getting his name on the birth certificate."

I say "Wait, how is the baby Mikey's?"

Brendon says "Mikey was the last person Patrick slept with."

I say "So Pete is going to be the father legally."

Brendon says "Yes."

I say "But isn't that illegal?"

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now