Chapter 9: Hard Times

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Diary Entry from Josh Dun's POV

Time skip to Christmas Eve

As I walk into the hospital, I see Tyler walking around. I run over and say "What happened?"

Tyler rolls his eyes and says "Eli is trying to be born, they said that stopping it would only make it worst."

I say "Aren't you having a c-section?" 

Tyler says "Well they said I need to be 10 cm before they will prep me for surgeon."

I say "Well how far are you and why didn't you call me."

Tyler says "Well I'm 4 1/2 cm and its gonna take me a while before then. Also I needed someone really calm with me and you are definitely not a calm person." I hug him and he says "Well I need to walk around because this baby can't have any drugs in his system or it will do things that no one can predict."

I say "So you have to push this baby out?"

Tyler says "Probably because this baby is so unable to bare any drugs or possible ehe could die."

I say "Has your water broken yet?" Tyler shakes his head and I say "Well I'm going to call our parents and tell them that your in labour."

Tyler says "We don't have anything set up, we don't have a diaper bag set up."

I say "Do you want me to get the diaper bag a-"

Tyler says "Hell no, I want you here and I live 2 hours from here. Also its rush hour and its going to take forever." I nod and we continue to walk around.

Time skip to 10 pm

Tyler was sitting and screaming with every contraction. I was holding his hand and he looked at me and said "Why does the human body do this?"

I say "Well I d-" Then a nurse walked in and checked Tyler. The nurse said "You are 8 1/2 cm and has your water has broken." Tyler shakes his hand. The nurse said "Well you just did and you are almost ready."

Tyler says "Well I think I-" He then screamed a string of curse words at the air. He says "Wait this is not the full thing, only most of it, there is more." I nod and say "You are the most amazing person." He then screams. 

Time skip to 12 am

I said "Its Christmas Day and a baby is going to be born." Tyler then screamed and said "Yes and I love yo-" He then screamed again.

The nurse came back in and said "Tyler your still at 9 1/2. Its okay but your so close. I'll be back in 30 minutes." He had been 9 1/2 for 1 1/2. Tyler looked and said "What am I suppose to do." I shrug. Tyler then screamed for another 30 minutes when the nurse came back in.

I say "Tyler the nurse is back and will check you." The nurse nodded and checked Tyler who was screaming. The nurse said "Well congrats you are 10 cm and the doctor will be in soon." Tyler nodded.

I said "You did it my love and Eli will be born in like an hour." Tyler nodded and screamed.  After about 20 minutes a bunch of people came inside. 

Then Tyler starts pushing and there was a lot of screaming. After so time it was 1:34 am and they said "Tyler one more push and you will have a baby." Then he pushed and at 1:36 am, he scream and a second later, you heard wailing from another human. I kiss Tyler and the baby is taken away. 

Tyler says crying "I wish this was a normal pregnancy and we could hold the baby for a second before he is whisked away."

I say "I feel the same way but we have a baby and we are parents of a little human." We cry and wait for something to happen.

After about an hour they say "Well the baby is a little underdeveloped. He needs to stay in the hospital for a little bit." We nod and say "How long does he have to stay?"

The nurse said "2-4 weeks roughly more or less."

We nod and the nurse said "Well since we were so worried about the baby, what's his name."

I look and Tyler and say "Elijah William Dun." She smiled and the nurse wrote it down on his birth certificate. We smile and we then sit and wait in the room.

Time skip to New Years Eve

Today was the day that we get to take our baby home. I was excited and nervous for what was next. We get to the hospital and we think 17 days ago we were teenagers with nothing except each other. Now we are parents and we have Elijah to make us more.

We get inside and get the baby. When tell us how care for him and then we left. Tyler was sitting in the back with Eli and I was driving to Tyler's parents house. We get to his house and I was sitting in the living room. His parents were at work and knew that the baby was coming home but they didn't know when.

They get inside and say "So he is home."

I yell "Yes and he is wailing because Tyler needs to breastfeed but Tyler is in the shower."

Kelly says "You didn't think to pump before he went in the shower." Josh shakes his head and sighs.

Tyler says "Sorry I ju-" He realised that his parents were in the same room. He grabs Eli and goes to our room.

I say "Well the baby will be quieter for the next couple hours." They laugh and go to their room. After couple hours, I make dinner and Tyler is sitting with Eli. I turn around and Tyler is watching me.

I say "Hi Ty, how is our son doing."

Tyler says "He is being really quiet and I need to be pee. Can you watch him for a second?"

I say "I would love to." Tyler hands me Eli and then runs to the bathroom. I rock Eli and make dinner at the same time. Tyler comes out and says "Well hi baby daddy, you are amazing."

I say "Hey you should breastfeed, he will need to be feed in a m-" He starts to wail and Tyler starts to breastfeed. I then finish, then I let everything cool off. I sit down and Tyler says "The baby need his diaper changed an-"

I say "I will do as you need your highness." Tyler then thanks me. I come back and he plated the food. I say "Thank you love."

He says "Well were dealing with the baby and I know that you are trying your hardest to help me and Eli, so I thought I should return the favour." I kiss him and he says "This is also what I wanted." I laugh and I call his parents to eat. 

They asked "How was your first day as parents?"

I laugh and say "Long we started to work out a system kinda. Now onto the night." They laugh and we eat dinner. Eli started to cry and Tyler rushed over. He changed his diaper and came downstairs. I say "Why didn't you let me take that one?"

He says "You have been doing everything and I wanted to let you get some peace from running from room to room with Eli."

I say "Well I don't care he is the most important thing in my life besides you of course." We sit down and watch tv while Eli sleeps. It was 9 pm and we put him in his crib. At around 12, Eli starts to cry and we rock him back to sleep. Then we go to sleep.  I think "This is going to take sometime for us to get use to this."

A/N - So this is what I wanted to write today. Well some kid called me a dyke at school a few days ago. Well this girl also calls out all my flaws so I'm used to it.

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now