Chapter 72: We're almost there.

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Diary Entry from Mikey Way's POV

I get up to a screaming Pete, and I say "Pete, Pete, what, what?"

Pete says "I had a nightmare about everyone leaving me."

I say "I would never leave you."

Pete says "You did leave before, so I just fear that you'll leave again."

I say "Why would I ever leave you? You didn't do anything, did you?"

Pete says "No. I just thought you would leave because I'm a fucking hot mess and I can't get my life together for my other child."

I say "Why not go there and try to talk to Patrick."

Pete says "Okay." I then hug him and we sit there for 5 minutes, then I head downstairs whilst Pete gets dressed. When I get downstairs, I start breakfast and look at the calender. I literally scream and run upstairs, Pete says "What happened?"

I say "We are running really late."

Pete asked "For what?"

I say "For an appointment. We have to leave in the next 11 minutes to make it on time."

Pete says "Get dressed. I'll get the baby."

I say "What about a bottle for her?"

Pete says "Why do I smell something burning?"

I say "Oh shit." I then run downstairs and turn off the stove, then throw the pan of burnt eggs into the kitchen sink then I hear Pete running downstairs. 

He says "What happened?"

I say "I'll explain later. Just get dressed & get the baby." He nods and runs upstairs, I get a bottle ready, then Pete runs downstairs and says "Okay, what else do you need me to do?"

I say "Get the baby in the car, I'll grab the diaper bag. I'll met you in there." He nods and goes to the car, I run upstairs. I throw on a loose t-shirt & leggings, then I get the diaper bag, go to the car and realise I forgot my phone, wallet & the bottle.

I say "Shit, I've gotta go back inside." 

Pete asks "Why?"

I say "I forgot the bottle." I then run inside and grab everything, then we race over to the clinic. Pete runs inside, while I get everything out of the car.  I walk inside & almost immediately we get called back.

The doctor walks inside and says "Well hello, you must be the dad & big sister."

Pete says "Yes, Peter." I could visual see him cringe at his name, then he continues "And this is Evangeline or Eva."

The doctor says "Well nice to met you two. Well I think today is..."

I say "The day we find out the gender." He nods and gets to the ultrasound. 

He says "The baby looks fine. Its got a normal heart rate & it looks like its growing properly."

Evangeline says "Alien."

Pete says "It kinda looks like an alien." She laughs and we turn our heads to the screen, then the doctor says "The gender is..."

The doctor then leaves for a phone call & comes back to say "The gender is...a boy. Congrats."

I say "Yes, we have one of each."

Pete says "Cool. We'll be a family of bass players & rockers."

I say "Maybe. Or they could be like you & go to college."

Pete says "You do realise they have me & you as fathers." I laugh and end the appointment.

We walk out and Pete says "Hey, I'm going to go talk to Patrick on Saturday."

I say "Okay."

Pete says "Can you come?"

I say "Hell to the no."

Pete says "Why?"

I say "Because, Patrick hates me for many reasons. We used to date & I bullied him. I took him from you multiple times. I'm well dating you. Patrick thinks of me as the whore who stole his man in 7th grade."

Pete says "Okay fine. I still don't know what to say?"

I say "Just go there & do what you wanted to do." Pete nods and we drive home.

A/N - I started a new book about my life, I literally rant about the shit I go through. Also I fucking had a nightmare about my friend leaving me.

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now