Chapter 41: I have no usually

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Diary Entry from Andy Hurley's POV

Today, we move to Milwaukee and I'm a little nervous. It means that I don't get to see Joe for long periods of time. I wish that he could leave but he needs to stay with his family. I also am leaving the girls with my mom while I'm at school. I need to say goodbye to everyone while I'm gone.

I get up and say "I get to leave until Halloween, which is when I get to see you in person again." They just start crying and I feed them. I then take them downstairs and I put them in their swings. 

My mom says "Hey when are you leaving?"

I say "Around noon or so." 

She says "Are you going to see Joe one more time?"

I say "Probably not, since his dad is in town." My mom nods and plays with the girls. I hated to have to leave but I would get out early then everyone else. It would be weird without everyone that I was with last year. I get up and finish packing my carry-on.

I finish around 11 and say "Hey mom can you drive me to the airport please."

She says "Okay, let me get the girls." We put the girls in their carseats and we drive. When we get there, I say "Okay, I'll try to call you everyday and I'll be back the weekend before Halloween."

My mom says "You sure you're ready for this." I nod and grab my bags. I walk to the left side of the car, and open the door, then kissed Jinx, I walk over to the others side and the same to Arcadia. 

I walk inside with tears on the brim of my eyes. I wish I could tell Joe, I love him one more time before I go. I walk to the gate and I sit down. I look around and there's still no Joe. 

I hear my plane called for boarding. I stand up and get to the back of the line. I look around a couple more times before I have to board. I hand the lady my ticket and I look around once more. I still didn't see Joe.

I say "Thank you." She hands me back my ticket and I get on the plane. I then put the seatbelt on and relax as they say what they have to say. Then we go to taxi and I then go to sleep. I wake up in the middle of the flight and I see that their handing out drinks. 

I say "Ma'am can I just have some water please."

She says "Sure." I then get handed a cup and I sit back. I drink my water and look outside. I then start thinking about being back home. I push those thoughts away and I go back to sleep.

I then was shaken awake by a flight attendant. I say "Oh, I'll get off now." She nods and leads me to the door and I walk to get my bags. I then get a cab and they drive me to my college. (I'm not in college, so I don't know how this works. But I did my best.) I get to the table. A person says "What's your name sir?"

I say "Andrew Hurley." They look at their list and say "Here is your dorm key, 2-7 West wing." I take the key and walk to a dormitory. I knock on the door and someone comes to the door. I say "Is this the west wing?"

They say "Other side of campus, I'll walk you there."

I say "Thank you, by the way the names Andrew, my friends call me Andy."

He says "Nice to meet you Andy, I'm Daniel, most people call me Dan though."

I say "Well thanks Dan for the help, what year are you in?"

He says "Well this is my second time in freshman year. I went to college when I was 18, I didn't finish my second semester, my girlfriend and I got pregnant. I'm 24 and coming back."

I say "I could've graduate high school last year but I decided that I wanted to get some more credits. I then got pregnant, with twin girls, I had them last month. My boyfriend can't go to college."

He asked "Where are you from?"

I say "Portland."

He asked "Why not go there for college, you would still be with your kids and boyfriend."

I say "I really wanted to go to college out of state. Also I didn't get into any colleges in-state. I had 3 options and this one was the closest of all of them. So I wanted to be closer to family."

He says "Well I can understand that, I have an almost 5 and 2 year old. Well this is your wing."

I say "Do you want to exchange numbers?" He nods and hands me his phone. I hand him mine then we give the other their phone back. I then walk to my dorm. I open the door and I see that I was first.

I put my stuff away and wait for my roommate to get here. Around 7 pm, someone walks in and says "Hey roomie, my names Brent Wilson."

I say "Andrew Hurley, most people call me Andy though."

He says "Well Andy, what do you like to do?"

I say "I play drums, I have a boyfriend and 2 daughters that I love."

He says "Well I'm a pretty loud at times, but I wouldn't get in your hair. I'll stay on my side and you'll stay on your side. You okay with that."

I say "Sure thats fine." He nods and unpacks, we then talk about his life. He says "So whats your boyfriends name?"

I say "Joe, we have 2 girls named Jinx and Arcadia."

He says "What different names."

I say "Me and Joe wanted to go outside the box with our kids names. We have such average names so we wanted our kids names to be a little different just like them."

He says "I can understand that. My name is so bland, Brent, I wish I had like Spike or Bond as a name."

I say "Same something that is a bit out there." He nods and we sit silence. Then we go to our different sides of the room. After a while I fall asleep.

A/N - This is what happens when you're grounded and have nothing to do. Don't be stupid like me and just do as you're told. Today is my birthday. 

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