Chapter 12: This is the another update.

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Diary Entry from Andy Hurley's POV

This takes place as all the previous parts

I have my first doctor's appointment. I will find out about this baby. I wait inside and Joe comes to the door and rings the doorbell.

I open the door and say "Your late lets go." I roll my eyes. I don't know why but I was pissed that he was late. Joe is always late to pick me up from my house since he had to make sure his 8 sisters, 8 brothers and mom were safe at home before he could come to my house.

We get into the car and he says "I'm sorry for being late. I know this is really important to you."  

I say "Well I know that you're sorry and I'm sorry for being so moody lately but we need to leave so we can be sorta on time." He laughs and we drive. We get there and I sign in. I sit down and Joe grabs my hand. He says "Come down, this baby is probably fine." I nod.

Then they call us and the doctor says "Hi I'm doctor Pritchard, but you can call me Doctor Mike." He sticks out his hand and I say "Andrew Hurley but most people call me Andy." We shake hands and he says "Who is this with you?"

Joe sticks out his hand and says "I'm Andy's boyfriend and baby daddy Joe Trohman." 

He says "Andy, Joe lets see this baby of yours." He talks about all the baby things

He says "Well I forgot to say this but you have twins. Look."

He point to the ultrasound.

I say "Joe am I imagining this right now" He shakes his head violently and says "Ok Dr

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I say "Joe am I imagining this right now" He shakes his head violently and says "Ok Dr. Mike you are sure this isn't a mistake from the ultrasound machine."

He says "That doesn't happen. You two are having a pair of twins." 

Dr. Mike says "Well this is the end of the appointment do you want pictures of the baby." I nod and Dr. Mike then leaves and we get ready to leave. 

We get into the car. I look at Joe and says "Well you don't have to deal with these babies if you don't want to."

Joe says "You think I don't want these babies. You are crazy to think that. Why do you think that?"

I say "Well we never talked about kids and now we have 2 of them. I just thought that no one would every take on my problems let alone, make a life with me after a one night stand."

Joe says "I love Andrew John Hurley and these 2 little kids that we are going to make an amazing life with."

I start to tear up and say "I'm sorry you're gonna have to quit school. You had a dream of being a doctor in mind."

Joe says "I'm not quiting school. I'm going to make things work for the 4 of us." I laugh and we continue to drive. 

Joe drops me off at my house and I walk in the door. My mom says "Is everything okay with the baby."

I say "Yes but"

She says "Andrew John spit it out"

I say "We're having twins."

She says "Really" She has a smile on her face and I nod then hand her the picture.

She says "Really" She has a smile on her face and I nod then hand her the picture

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She says "Okay this is a lot of work raising two kids on your own"

I say "No me and Joe are doing this together."

She says "How is he going to be any help. He's going to college right." I nod and she says "He is going out of state." 

I say "No Joe is going the University of Dayton. We have a plan mom."

She says "What does he do for work?"

I say "He works 3 jobs. He works nightshifts during the week at McDonald's, he works on the weekends from 9-6 at Hot Topic and at the laundry mat cleaning the floors on weekend nights."

She says "Well what is his grades like?"

I say "Mostly A's. He usually gets a B in Tech and a B in Spanish. Everything else A's."

She says "Where does he live?"

I say "I have no idea, all I know is his family is really poor and he doesn't live in the best neighbourhood."

She says "Well do his parents work?"

I say "His mom works 4 or 5 jobs to make ends meet. His dad works out of country. His sister who is a year younger works as well to help."

She says "How many siblings does he have?"

I say "16 ranging in age from 0-16. His mom just gave birth a couple days ago to his youngest sister Layla. His dad works in a different country and comes home for the holidays so I think that he gets to see his dad again."

She says "You have this worked out Andrew."

I say "Yes" She sighs and leaves. I go upstairs then I screamed into a pillow. "This is going to be the end of my life."

A/N - This is shitty but I needed to change it up. Also I have nothing to do this weekend so I am writing a bunch. 

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