Chapter 51: I am stressed out right now

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Diary Entry from Frank Iero's POV

So today is day one of going to New Jersey. Its going to take us like 2 weeks to get there because, we are going to visit everyone at their homes. We are first going to Ryan cause he's in Nevada, just a 15 1/2 hr drive, there. I must get everything in the car, so what's happening is me and Jules are driving in the car, then Gerard is driving the U-haul. Its 3am and I have to drive to Las Vegas for my best friend. 

Gerard says "Moving out of my parents house finally day."

I say "Shut the fuck and get the rest of the stuff in the U-haul."

Gerard says "Okay Love, I'll get everything." I get up and get the baby ready, then put everything in the car and put the baby in the carseat. Then we are off, and I drive down the highway.

Time skip to halfway

We are finally halfway to Nevada and I can't wait to get there. Me and Gerard get to a halfway point and we stop there. I get outside and we eat breakfast, Gerard says "Only 8 more hours of this then we get to see Ryan again."

I say "We are going to have so much have with him."

Gerard says "Well I hope but he does have schoolwork so maybe he will do that instead."

I say "True but lets hope not." He nods and continues to eat his breakfast. Then we finish and we go back to driving.

Time skip to Ryan's house

I finally get to the house and Ryan is standing outside with food in his hand. I get out and say "You are the most amazing person ever."

Gerard says "What about me?"

I say "You are amazing at other things." I then wink and Gerard turns bright red. Ryan says "Okay, I wish I never heard, that but how was the drive down here"

I say "It was long, we left around 3:30 in the morning."

Ryan says "How long would it be if you went to New Jersey."

Gerard says "43 hours, so we just decided to take a road trip over there with the most indirect way."

Ryan says "So tomorrow were are you going?"

I say "To see Brendon and Dallon with Brooklynn. So how are you doing by yourself?"

Ryan says "Actually fine. I miss Brooklynn but I talk to her like once a day or more if I want. Bren and Dallon really want to make sure that we don't make one or the other mad. They are letting me be overbearing since she is my daughter too."

Gerard says "I don't get that, why did you decide that?"

Ryan says "I wanted Brooklynn to have both of her parents in her life. I know she gets a lot of time with me, I had her more then B and Dallon had her. So I will get to see her in like 6 weeks or whenever Halloween."

Gerard says "How are getting there?"

Ryan says "I think I'm going to drive down there."

Gerard says "Cool." Then Jules starts crying, I then get a bottle and feed him the bottle.

Time skip to dinner

Ryan says "So I made meatloaf and air-dried potatoes."

I say "Ryan why did you make all that food, we could have eaten something easier."

Ryan says "Your my guest, I wanted to show you why people come to dinners with me."

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