Part 19: I know the world's a broken bone but melt your headaches call it home

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Diary Entry from Brendon Urie's POV

Today was my birthday, I would usually would wake up to Ryan saying happy birthday. This is the first year in a long time no is here to say happy birthday. I walk downstairs dressed and all my friends are sitting on my couch. 

I say "Hi. Okay first how did y'all get into my house. Second what are you doing here at 7 am. Third we school lets go."

Ryan gets up and says "This is for me running out everytime you bring up baby names. Also most of them suck." Everyone laughs. I say "Okay so what is the reason 10 of you are in my house at 7 am."

Dallon says "Its your 18th birthday, we wanted you to feel special for once. You are always there for all of us. So we wanted to be there for you."

I say "Okay now lets go to school." I can't believe that Dallon cares about me like he does. Or he is just being nice because its my birthday.

Patrick says "Okay everyone now lets go to school, also its Friday, so lets get drunk off rose water." 

I say "What does that even mean?"

Patrick says "Since most of us are pregnant, we can't drink alcohol, I like rose water and it is a really stupid joke. Okay lets leave." Everyone was laughing and Patrick was bright red. Then we all leave and go to school.

Time skip to Doctor's Appointment

I walk inside and see Ryan already there, I say "Hey what do think about the name Rayne"

Ryan rolls his eyes and says "No can you think of something else."

I say "Can she have 2 first names." Ryan nods and I say "Bethney Rayne"

Ryan says "Okay I like Rayne but maybe Brooklynn Rayne"

I say "That is weird and I l-" Then we get called and we head in. After the appointment, I say "Hey so I like Brooklynn Rayne as her full name also whos last name."

Ryan says "Ross since that was what we wanted last time, is that okay with you"

I say "Brooklynn Rayne Ross that's it. So do you want to pick clothes or are your parents giving you clothes."

Ryan says "My parents gave me everything I would need for Brook until she's in college. The perk of having parents with 10 kids. They have everything."

I say "I need to talk to you about custody."

Ryan says "Lets not talk in a parking lot lets go to your house." I nod and we drive in our separate cars to the house.

I open the door and Ryan walks inside. We sit down and I say "You can have her during the week and I'll take her every weekend."

Ryan says "Okay what about 50-50. You have 1 week and I have her the other."

I say "No that is going to be really hard on her. Why not we talk to a judge and see what they think about this."

Ryan says "Probably."

I say "I need a crib since this is happening"

Ryan says "What about I have Brook weekdays and you have her weekends and every other Friday."

I say "That would be nice."

Ryan says "We have a custody thing in place." We hug and I say "Can we go shopping tomorrow for a crib and other things for Brook."

Time skip to the next afternoon

I walk to my door and Ryan says "Do you want to leave now." I nod and we head to the car. WE drive in silence and we get there.

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now