Chapter 45: I was crying this morning...

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(A/N - Its like August for some reason.)

Diary Entry from Patrick Stumph's POV

Today is the day, the me and Pete get to see Kinsley for the first time, since she was born. I was nervous because me and Pete haven't really get along since she was born. I get up and get dressed for the day. I then walk downstairs and see Pete in the kitchen, I say "So how are you doing with the fact is that you get to see our daughter in about 2 hours."

Pete says "I'm doing fine but I can't wait until that moment comes."

I say "I'm terrified. How are you so calm about this."

Pete says "I have been through this with myself. You just walk up to the person and act like there parent for how long you could last. Also she wouldn't hate us because she doesn't even know anything."

I say "So you just think about being about to see her and not think about anything else."

Pete says "I'm a little sad, because I have to move next week."

I say "Yea that is a little sad, because we wouldn't be able to see her for a really long time." We nod and eat our breakfast. Then Pete says "Well since you're finished, lets get going."

I say "Sure, thats fine." He grabs his keys and we walk to the car. We get in and I start crying, he says "What is happening to you right now."

I say "I'm terrified of what if sh-"

He says "Why are you worried about that now, she doesn't even what any words mean, but it is your choice if you want her to hate us or have her love us and understand what we gave up. Explain why we did this."

I say "Th-Thanks Pete" I wiped away the tears and Pete starts to drive to the adoption centre. Pete parks and says "So how are you doing?"

I say "Still really, I mean hella nervous about meeting her and playing with her."

Pete says "I'm a little nervous now, but I want her to understand that we are going to be there for her, as she gets older."

I say "How do you stay so calm in this situation?"

He says "I always wanted to know my bio parents, they never were there for me when I was younger. I love my adopted parents, the ones who raised me. But as a foster kid, you always feel empty because of not knowing your parents or why they would give you up."

I say "So I should just let myself be a parent and not think about if your child is going to hate you."

He says "Yes, that is your main goal right now. Also we are going to be late if we don't go inside in the next 5 minutes." I nod and we run inside, we sign the paperwork. Then after about 45 minutes of waiting, they bring in Kinsley and says "Do you want to hold her."

I say "Sure that would be lovely." The social worker then hands me Kinsley, then I start to cry because, I was so selfish about what I wanted at the hospital and how much I didn't want her.

Pete says "Lunchbox are you okay."

I shake my head and say "Can I have a minute." He nods and I hand him the baby, then walk out. After 5 minutes, Pete walks over to me with Kinsley in his hands and says "Hey are you okay, you know you can talk to me about anything."

I say "You know how I said that I never wanted to see her or be a parent."

He says "Yes."

I say "Well, I was so selfish back then, and I think that everyone saying that you'll regret it." He nods and I continue "I couldn't believe, but now I understand. I wish that I would have consider your opinion and hold her before I made you sign the paper."

Teenage Love in a Parking Lot // Multiship Mpreg  AU✅Where stories live. Discover now