your quirk

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okay, so here is information about your quirk! it was kind if confusing to explain but i hope you understand it XD

name: psychic touch.

her quirk includes two quirks: force (telekinesis) and healing.


the quirk: she can control things with her mind but is more controlled when she outstretches her hand (connection is more focused). she can pick up any inanimate and animate object depending on the weight. the heavier objects are more energy consuming.

she can also lift herself and others up but it takes up more energy and she can only do it for so long.

she is able to lift literally everything, also being able to lift things out of the ground (e.g. trees). by pounding her fists or feet on the ground, she is able to force the floor upwards and use the rubble/ boulders/ whatever the bits of the ground are called and used them as a weapon basically. she is also immobilise people so they can't move a muscle

if she get sad, angry or even scared, smaller objects may start to levitate without her even knowing it.

visual: when using it, her eyes become fully white and white lightning like patterns surround her body (like when izuku uses one for all).

weakness: if she uses it too much she'll become dizzy and nauseous, possibly even faint depending on the energy consumption.


the quirk: there are two parts to this quirk. she can heal people, but she can also heal plants as well.

healing a person: the quirk is a contact quirk so she needs to touch the wound/person to heal them. when touching them, she can either heal one specific part (such as a cut or bruise) or heal the whole body. when healing more severe injuries (or by choice), she transmits the injury onto herself. the person she is healing cant feel anything.

she can't get rid of scars or heal incurable things such as full blindness and deafness. she can't bring people back from the dead either.

healing plants: in a way, she gives extra life to the plants around her. when she touches the floor/plant, she can revive and give more life to all of the plant life around her.

visual: when placing her hand over a wound (or a persons body) when healing, a white glow will appear under her hand. when healing plants, the leaves/grass/flowers will glow different colours but usually glows white. it can stay like that for up to an hour but can also go as soon as she leaves contact with the floor/plant.

weakness: when she uses this power she becomes lightheaded. when she heals part/the whole body, she gets a slight burning sensation where the injury on the other person was on herself, but it isn't major.

if she transmits the injuries to herself, she will receive the pain and the injuries: basically she would have switched so that the other person was completely healed whilst she suffered with their injuries, so the drawbacks vary.

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