never give up

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before reading, i would like you to play this song. for this story, imagine y/n and todoroki singing this in any situation you like.

song: with you (paradoxology) by elevation worship.

to me personally, this song means a lot and always calms me down. listen to it, read, imagine, and calm your nerves that may be troubling you.

this 'chapter' won't make sense if you don't play the song...

y/n's pov


that's all you need to do.

what ever problems that may turn up, you just need to breathe. this is a safe space... you're alright. no one can do anything to you.

just close your eyes and breathe - listen to the music... read, imagine, and relax.

you will get through what you're going through, just like me. things will get better eventually, you just need to hold on alright?

i'm a made up character, but you know what makes something fictionally real? personality.

me? i'm made up. i have a storyline, a personality, a description... but that's kind of like you. my story still continues the way i want it. your story continues this way too.

your storyline always changes by the smallest of things, either good or bad. eventually though, you create something beautiful individual. your life is like no other, like mine, a fictional characters'.

even if my life can be easily written out, you have the power for your life to go as you'd like. sure, some thing may not go your way but that's life.

life sucks.

it really fucking sucks but you know what? we only get one, so we have to make the best out of it. we will have our ups and our downs. maybe we'll feel so down we feel like we can't escape, but you can.

there's always a way.

you are all so special and loved so please never give up.


i shook my head, looking deeply into the person's eyes i love.

soon, my mouth opened and soft words escaped. to my surprise, shoto's soft voice filled my ears every now again.

all we did for the next few moments was close our eyes and relax.

to everyone suffering anyway, i hope this helps somewhat. listen to this song and just breathe. it's okay to cry, it's okay to be sad.

simply take these next few minutes to just relax...

you will be okay <3

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