65. provisional hero license exam (two)

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y/n's pov

"you're a ua student right?" i looked behind me to see a smug smirk staring right back at me. "oh! you're y/n l/n! you're the girl that got demolished by that todoroki kid!" his smirk grew wider as he approached me.

i sighed. "does it matter who i am? we have the same goal." i commented as i shrugged my shoulders casually.

he stopped in his tracks. i smirked slightly as i saw his eyebrow twitching in irritation. "i was only trying to introduce myself." he laughed dryly. "the names kai shouko." he lifted his head back slightly, showing his golden eyes as his fringe moved back. "but to you i'll be known as the one who beat y-"

he stopped mid sentence as a small buzz noise sounded. "first rule of being a hero." i started walking over to him, lowering my once outstretched hand. "stay focused on the task at hand." i patted him on the shoulder, flicking my wrist slightly to levitate the three balls that hit his three targets.

"i- what!? how did you-"

"i don't know what your quirk is, but you seem determined." i smiled at him from the side. "keep at it, but work on your focus."

i left him alone as i levitated onto one of the high rocks, leaving him with his mouth agape. the feeling on quilt slightly crept up my spine. i know he probably wanted this as much as me, but i have to reach my goal no matter what. it's what everyone wanted to do.

luckily, i was able to do small moves like simple levitation without muttering a word. my more powerful attacks, however, needed my say. it's kind of to keep more control and prevent my quirk from going haywire-

"which many people seen to not do." i sighed as i looked across the stadium, crouching down to stay out of sight.

students from all over were fighting each other, but they were all focusing on the same thing: hitting the targets. it almost seemed like they were greedy to succeed, and that's not the mindset of a hero. my head snapped to the direction of a sudden gust of wind.

"inasa yoarashi has completed the first exam, with the elimination of 100 students!" i looked up at the speaker dumbfounded.

"100 people?" i whispered in disbelief as i watched the figure of inasa walking out of the arena. "he is powerful..."

i balled my fists tightly.

'if i'm going to beat this, i'm going to give it my all!'

with determination, i launched myself off of the ledge i was on towards a large gathering of groups of students. "free fall!"

just as they turned around, yellow balls hit all of their three targets. the six balls i had bounced off one target to another in a matter of seconds, leaving every students shocked and speechless. "y/n has completed the first exam, eliminating 63 students!"

standing up straight in the middle of the once squabbling groups, i gave a kind smile. "i wish you all luck for your future!"

making my way through the crowd, i ignored the whispers and comments they were making. of course, i  couldn't blame their frustrations. i would be too if someone came out of nowhere and eliminated them in a blink of an eye. yet again, the feeling of guilt rushed through my veins but i kept it at bay.

i only had one thing that came to mind. "i'm sorry!" i yelled with a nervous smile as i began running towards the exit. "but i have to do this!"

before they could utter another word, i had disappeared out of the arena.


"man, i'm so thirsty." kaminari sighed as he gulped down a drink of his preference, mineta agreeing with a nod.

i watched from afar, completely bored. that was until i saw sero walk over with a cheeky grin, followed by a loud "WHAT!?" from the two perverts. i watched them run over to izuku, seeming to overwhelm him. sighing, i approached them.

"what's going on?" i looked at the four of them.

"what's going on!?" kaminari yelled as he pointed over to a girl with light brown hair. "what's going on is midoriya saw that girl naked!"

i looked at izuku confused. "izuku?"

"i-it's not like that! you see-"

"yea yea, excuses excuses." mineta waved him off as he leant closer to izuku's ear. "what was she like? i bet she was gorgeous! i bet you wanted to feel her soft bre-"

"ew." before he could finish his sentence, i sent him flying across the room. "izuku's not a pervert, unlike you trash." i muttered as i pinched the bridge of my nose.

"i swear y/n, i-i would never do something like that on purpose." izuku stuttered as he looked down in shame. "i think it was something to do with her quirk. i'm not that type of person." he shifted awkwardly on the spot, obviously feeling bad about the whole ordeal.

i laughed softly, putting a hand on his shoulder. "it's alright izuku. i know you're not like that."

my smile faltered a little as i remembered the talk we will have to have after the exam. i bit my lip nervously, taking my hand off his shoulder. i looked away, hopefully not drawing attention. of course, with my luck, my intention failed.

"are you okay?" izuku asked from the side as he tilted his head.

i turned back to him, flashing him a smile. "yep! i'm just thinking about the final exam." i rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"i know for a fact that you'll do great." he smiled, then pumped his fist in the air. "i believe all our class will succeed!"

"speaking of our class, here's some more coming our way." kaminari pointed towards of familiar faces approaching us, one of them being shoto.

with a smile, i walked over to him. "hey sho!"

he returned the smile, ruffling my messed up hair. "hi snowflake." he sneakily interwined our fingers as we walked over to where our class was gathering. "i heard your success." he commented as we sat down.

"i feel bad." i said with a sheepish smile.

"why?" he turned his body to me, handing me a rice-ball.

"i didn't give them any chance to fight back." i took a bite out of it. "i feel like a coward."

shoto straightened up in his seat. "there's no reason to feel bad y/n." he said with a bit of sterness in his voice. "surprised attacks are efficient in the hero-villain world. you're no coward."

the simplest words that laced out of his mouth made my face heat up, in both fluster and happiness. "thankyou."

i leant my head on his shoulder, watching newcomers making their way in. not all of our class had arrived yet and it dawned to me that not a lot of the 100 placements were left now. though, i didn't get worried. the students at ua were determined with no exception. i knew for a fact that they were all doing their best and will get through no matter what hurdle was thrown at them.

a feeling of pride swarmed in my chest as i thought about each and every one of them. "i believe in you."


i'm sooooo sorry for my absence ;-; i've had a terrible november so far and my mind is not in the right place so this chapter is very delayed i apologise :(

i'm trying my best to write on time but whenever i think of doing it i don't and it sucks. i guess i have writer's block for this arc and i just want to get it over and done with really XD

i'd say my writing is best when it's my own story, and not something already written if that makes sense :)

anyway, i will upload the next chapter asap.

this may not be for another week, but i'm not abandoning this story under any circumstances so to you all that are enjoying this story, don't fret!

i wouldn't abandon y/n and the bnha characters in this story so don't worry :)

1235 words

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