29. quirk training

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okay- so i just looked and this book is almost at 200 reads?? whAT?? how in the- i- well then,, XD

seriously though, thankyou for reading this book :) i didn't expect anyone to read it tbh so almost 200 reads is crazy!!

i have, so far, around 10 more chapters but i'm sure there will be a lot more XD

anywayyyy, thanks again!


y/n's pov

i opened my eyes slowly to a bright light. i sighed and sat up as i looked at the crack in the curtains where the light was originating from.

"obviously the light lands on me..." i mumbled as i stood up groggily. i looked at yaoyorozu's bed to see she wasn't in it. panicking, i began pacing around the room in a worry until my eyes lay on a note.


i heard you tossing and turning in the night... i hope you're okay <3 i've gone down to breakfast early if you're wondering where i am. you didn't seem to get much sleep so i decided to let you lie in a bit.

see you later!

- momo x

i smiled softly at the note as i placed it back down on the bed-side table. rubbing my eyes yawning, i put on my uniform and made my way down to the breakfast area where a lot of my classmates were sitting.

"y/n! you're here!" uraraka exclaimed excitedly. "come sit with us!"

i walked over to the table with a tired smile on my face. "hey guys." i waved at everyone sitting at the table: uraraka, midoriya , bakugo, kirishima, shoto, asui, sero and kaminari.

"you look tired." shoto whispered as i sat down next to him.

"didn't get lots of sleep." i said quietly.

shoto furrowed his eyebrows and held my right hand, squeezing it comfortingly. "i'm sorry." i looked at him confused. "i said i'd help you..."

"maybe i can convince shouta to let me sleep with y-"

"convince me to what?" i looked up to see aizawa glaring at me.

i jumped slightly at his sudden appearance. "ah! hey shouta!" i smiled widely at him.

he huffed in response. "training will start in 25 minutes. get ready for a day of hard work." he announced flatly. "and the answer is yes." he smirked at me. i looked down embarrassed as he chuckled and walked away.

"hey y/n!" yakyorozu approached the table with a smile on her face. "did you get any more sleep?"

i shrugged my shoulders. "i guess so."

"good, good!" she walked away with a smile on her face.

"well that was... nice?" uraraka looked at me from across the table with a confused smile.

"yea..." i watched yaoyorozu as she winked our direction. "nice."

[time skip to an hour later]

"levitate!" i yelled as i held my hand out at a big boulder. it began floating off the ground, only barely though. i floated it back down and held my head.

"good. now try both of them." tiger said eagerly as he watched my every move.

sighing, i outstretched both my hands. "levitate!" i focused one hand on one boulder. the two large rocks began floating off the floor gently as i moved my hands upwards.

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