the end <3

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before anything, i apologise the last chapter is so short... i wanted it to be short and sweet :( i was a mess whilst writing it i'm sorRY <3

anyway, how do i even start this...??

thankyou all so damn much!!

i'm not gonna lie and say i'm not crying hysterically because that would be wrong XD

it's sad to see this story come to an end, but after a year of writing i felt it was the best time <3 in all honesty, i'm happy i finished it instead of quitting and now ending it properly.

over the past year i have devoted time to write this book and i haven't regretted any second of it!! there have been times where i had hit rough patches of unmotivation, especially chapter 65+, but i still enjoyed every bit of time i soent on this story.

despite it flaws and errors, i can say i am proud <3 i had never expected it to reach 100 reads and now it's exceeding 100k which is insane!! i wouldn't have even imagined so many reads could have been reached when i started this book!

i remember i started it when i was on a small holiday with my mum, brother, and two friends. i was lying in my bunkbed in the place we were staying in with nothing else to do. i had been on wattpad and a thought had came to mind.

todoroki has always been a very important character to me as i sympathise and understand him. he motivates me even to this day to not let anything define me and i thank him greatly for existing XD

i remember creating the book whilst laying on the bunkbed. i remember creating many drafts for chapters, changing snd deleting some. i remember reaching 10 reads and being over the moon. i remember reaching 100 reads and having a mimi heart attack. i remember hitting 1000 reads and thinking my eyes were deceiving me.

i remember how happy i was receiving my first supporting comment. i remember how sad i was receiving my first hateful comment. i remember how grateful i was receiving my first fanart.

i remember a lot of things that this book has allowed me to witness.

this book means more to me than i can explain, and it's all thanks to you!! because of all your support i have been motivated to continue this book until now, it's end, and i will be forever thankful!!

i know it's not the best,, i know it has many errors and flaws,, i know it's not everyone's sup of tea,, but i also know this was my first ever fanfiction :)

i have gone back to read some if the first chapters and i have cringed at my own writing XD and that's okay!! i have grown, and i can see that :)

i guess all i want to say before finishing this book for good is the biggest thank you i can muster!! you guys are amazing and i love every single one of you who has supported me and this book in any way!!

your support on this book and my oneshot book makes me feel happy and makes me feel like i have worth, so thankyou <3 you guys have done so much for me and i will never stop thanking you!!

thankyou for everything! - sophia, the author <3

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