71. take my hand

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y/n's pov

"come on, y/n! you'll be late!"

i awoke with a groan, grimacing at the sun that was shining through the crack in the curtains. "alright!" i yelled back, a little slurred.

"stop sleeping in, lazy!" uraraka giggled from the other side of the door. "i'll see you in a bit!"

with that, she bounced down the hallways.

this gave me a chance to start to wake up properly, instead of just having the excuse of me not being unconscious and asleep. today was a special day... well, to our class anyway.

we all decided to celebrate this specific day every year until we graduate. what is today you may ask? it doesn't have a special reason to be today, but it would be convenient for the next few years as it is in one of the short vacation weeks we have.

it was to allow us to rest and be thankful for all that had happened to us in the past months.

a lot has happened.

to be honest i don't know how we've all held on. to say the least, i was proud of every single one of us. we had been through multiple traumatic events, but we are all still here and we are proud.

and today we were all going to remind ourselves of that.

with a sigh i heaved myself out of bed, stretching as i did so. a soft groan escaped me as my shoulders clicked.



walking down the halls, now dressed and looking presentable, you walked into the kitchen to retrieve a waffle. though, as soon as you stood in the kitchen you walked into somebody's back.

you stifled a laugh as bakugo turned around, glaring at you as if you had done something despicable. "watch where you're going, brat." he seethed as he shoved a waffle in your mouth.

"jfjdkdj!" i thanked, sweat-dropping as i walked past him swiftly. i waved at kirishima and some of the other members of the bakusquad as i drifted into the main common room area where many of my classmates were eating.

my eyes lightened as i saw my boyfriend sitting on one of the sofas talking to midoriya. finishing off my waffle, i waved at him. "shoto!"

he turned to me, smiling gently. i walked over to him, standing right in front of him. "hello y/n." he greeted as he patted his lap.

with a smile i sat down on his lap, a habited blush spreading over my cheeks as he wrapped his arms around me. he leant his chin on my shoulder, kissing my temple.

"you seem tired." i commented as he let out a sigh, watching from the side as he closed his eyes.

"i guess i am a little." he said honestly as he rubbed my stomach gently.

i giggled a little as i turned to kiss his temple, returning the favour.

my eyes then scanned over the room. everyone now seemed to be here. no teachers, just us. i looked at every single one of my classmates with a soft smile, a small lump forming in my throat.

we have gone through much, and here we are... as strong as ever.

feeling tears prick in the corners of my eyes, i stood up from shoto's grasp slowly. shoto looked up at me seeming a little disappointed which made me giggle.

i turned to look at everyone. "u-umm, can i say something real quick?" everyone turned to me, making me cough awkwardly.

"oh god, l/n's gonna give us a cheesy speech." bakugo grumbled from the side of me.

i kicked his shin, causing him to groan.

rolling my eyes, i looked back to everyone. "we have all been through a lot. i guess hell and back countless times." i laughed a little. "but we're all still here." a smile formed on my lips. "despite everything we're still here and we're all stronger than ever. we are all going to be amazing heroes, and we'll continue to grow and inspire." my voice wobbled slightly as i looked at shoto who was standing at my side.

"i'm so proud of every single one of us." i smiled as tears glossed in my eyes. i wrapped my arms around shoto.

uraraka wiped her eyes as tears slid down her cheeks. "y/n!" she squealed as she joined the hug. "i'm proud of all of us too!"

one by one, everyone began joining the hug. some cried and some just smiled. it was an emotional moment, and a moment we'd never forget.

i felt complete.

the hug disbanded slowly. i wiped my eyes as todoroki squeezed my arms gently. then, he took my hand in his.

without a word he took me away from the commotion and out of the dorms. i looked at him confused, but said nothing as i noticed the blush that was covering his cheeks.

we soon came to a stop under a blossom tree that was in the dorm gardens. "this seems familiar." i giggled a little as shoto's ears tinged pink. "what's this about?" i asked gently as i looked at him.

he brought his hands to my cheeks. "i-i know this is kinda weird but i just feel like this is right..." he said with a small tremble to his voice.

"what do you mean?" i quirked a brow at him.

"i love you so much." shoto said softly as both his thumbs caressed my cheeks.

i giggled at him. "and i love you. so, so much." i pecked his nose.

he laughed softly, making my smile widen. "i just... you know that you're super special to me, right?" he asked quietly, looking deep into my eyes. i hummed. "you mean everything to me, y/n."

once again, tears glossed in my eyes. "shoto..." i said gently with a smile as the tears travelled down my flushed cheeks.

shoto mimicked my gentle smile, holding his hand out. "will you take my hand and stay with me forever, y/n l/n?"

i let out a gentle laugh as i took his hand, lacing my fingers with his. "i will stay by your side until i draw my last breath."

"as will i." shoto brought my hand to his lips, kissing my knuckles gently.

and we stuck by our words, right until the end.

the end <3

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