50. oof

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y/n's pov

"why did you have to do this now?! it is two weeks until the license exam and you manage to fall off a cliff!" aizawa said with a hint of annoyance as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

i rolled my eyes at him. "correction, i was riding a bike and fell off a cliff. plus, your definition of cliff is much different to how it actually was." i crossed my arms over my chest as i sat on the sofa.

"that doesn't make the situation any better!" aizawa stood over me. "it doesn't matter how tall it was. you've injured yourself! why were you on a bike in the first place?"

i sighed. "i was just biking with izuku and ochako whilst shoto was sitting back up at the park... then we kind of fell."

"you kind of fell."

"don't rub it in shouta." i stared at him firmly.

he sighed as he sat down next go me. "how did you even manage to fall in the first place?"

"i didn't see the cliff." i said plainly.

aizawa chuckled. "how did you not see the cliff? i know it wasn't that tall, but you should have at least noticed it."

"i don't know!" i exclaimed. "it wasn't there when we spoke about riding the bike! it's not my fault that we were going down the hill fast."

"yea, yea." aizawa waved his hands.

i sunk into the sofa pillow as i stared at my leg. "it's not that big of a deal. recovery girl can just fix it during this week, then i'll go back to training."

aizawa stood up again. "it's not that easy, y/n." he brought his hands together, sighing, and pointed them to me. "you have literally split your shinbone."

"and recovery girl can just mend it."

aizawa sighed again. "do you know how long it takes to fix split bones." i huffed through my nose. "why didn't you use your quirk?"

"i wasn't expecting it!" i said defensively.

"you expect things fine in training."

i was about to speak, but couldn't find the words. he was right. i guess i was having too much fun to not notice the steep dip conveniently at the bottom of the hill.

"where was todoroki during all of this again?" my uncle asked after a few moments.

"he doesn't have to follow me everywhere i go." i grumbled as i sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in my leg. luckily, i had pain killers whilst we waited for shoto to arrive. "he sat back on the bench back at the top of the hill. he didn't see me fall because he had to see his dad about something."

"why didn't he go on a bike?" aizawa asked as he raised a brow. "is he afraid of going on a bike?"

i stiffled a laugh. "wh- no! he's not afraid of going on a bike! he just didn't want to go on one."

"yea, yea. whatever you say." he looked over to the clock above the fireplace. "when's he getting here again?"

i glared up at him. "sheesh, give him a chance. i've literally been here 15 minutes. he's said he was on his way as soon as mina called him."

aizawa nodded. "good. at least he's actually coming to check up on you." he smirked at me. "wouldn't surprise me if he scolds you the same as i am doing."

i squished my cheeks together with my hands. "oh please, please don't jinx it!"


"how did you manage to break your leg!?" of course, as soon as shoto saw me
sitting down with a hint of pain on my face, he came up to me and scolded me.

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