37. reunited

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todoroki's pov

"no... n-no... no." i repeated as i rushed out the crowds. i ran to the hospital as fast as my legs could take me. bashing into the reception, i ran over to the counter. "y-y/n l/n! please!" i panted as tears filled my eyes.

the lady behind the counter immediately stood up, obviously knowing y/n's current condition. "come with me." i started following her down one of the halls until we came to a stop.

as she was talking to one of the doctors, my whole body was shaking. i fiddled with my hands as i waited impatiently for someone to tell me y/n was okay.

after a few moments, one of the doctors came up to me. "master todoroki, what is your relationship with miss l/n?"

"i'm her boyfriend." i said as calmly as i could.

the doctor nodded. "eraserhead has already been here. he said to expect you."

"i-is she going to b-be okay?" i asked worriedly, brushing off his comment completely.

he sighed as he looked down at his clipboard. "at this point in time, we're not sure. her vitals are completely low so she's currently on life support." my breathing hitched. he passed me his clipboard and looked at me sympathetically. "this may help you to understand what's going on."

i took the clipboard cautiously and began reading. after every few words, my eyes began filling with tears and my breathing hitched. she had multiple burn marks and stab wounds (28 stAb wOunDS- sorry,, wrong time :,)), three broken ribs, a broken arm, muscle trauma in her arms and legs, a punctured kidney, and a slight spinal injury.

right then and there, i broke down in sobs. i slid down to my knees with my hands covering my face as tears began falling down my cheeks.

i flinched at a sudden hand on my shoulder. "you can go see her if you want." i nodded to the doctor softly as i stood up and shakily made my way to the door. i opened the door slowly and looked at y/n who was laying peacefully in the hospital bed.

"y/n..." i whispered as i made my way over to her. i stood at the side of her bed and stroked her cheek softly. sitting down on a chair, i held onto y/n's free hand. she was head-to-toe in bandages, a mask covering her mouth, and needles in her left hand and arm. "i'm s-so sorry...". once again, tears trickled down my cheeks as i placed my head on the bar of the bed, my whimpering filling the quiet room.

y/n's pov


that's all i could see. no matter how hard i tried, i couldn't see anything. despite wherever i was, i felt calm. i wasn't frightened nor was i in pain. the only emotions i felt was calmness and confusion.

i walked deeper into the black void, hoping to see some form of light to see where i was. fortunately, after a few moments, the world around me lightened. all around me was a crystal clear sky. i looked down at my feet to see me barefoot wearing some sort of hospital gown.

taking in my surroundings, i realised i was on some sort of island. however, it was floating. around me were thousands upon thousands of small islands. waterfalls fell from the edges into the void below, but i felt no fear.

"y/n?" i slowly turned my head to a familiar voice to see-

"mom?" i stared at her in slight shock. she looked just as she did before she died. her ling white hair fluttered in the slight breeze, her blue eyes piercing into mine. "what's going on?" i looked around confused.

"i'm not sure myself." she replied calmly as she approached me. she gently rubbed stroked my cheek once she was close enough. "i've missed you, y/n."

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