15. sports festival (three)

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this chapter mentions blood and possible triggering scene descriptions! please read with caution!

y/n's pov

i felt bad for not watching the other's fights but i needed space. my vision keeps inclosing and my breathing is uneven: i don't even know why.

'it can't be because if my fight with shoto that i'm going to have, can it? surely not... i want him to win, but what will that cost me?'

his father's words keep scratching at me from the inside of my head. i don't have a father, nor do i have a mother... i want to make them proud but todoroki actually deserves it.

i walked aimlessly around the halls, pacing backwards and forwards in certain places before continuing on my path towards no where in particular. i was snapped out of my thoughts when i saw a familiar brown-haired girl.

"ochako!" i shouted as i ran over to her. "what happened?" i looked at her worriedly. she was covered in scratches and burns.

"i lost to bakugo." she replied as she nervously rubbed her arm. i looked at her sympathetically.

"here." i said quietly.

i placed my hands on her burnt arms and closed my eyes. i opened them slowly, the glow from them illuminating the space between us both as my two hands began glowing also. i felt slight burning sensations on my arms, indicating that my healing had worked. i took my hands gently off her arms and rubbed my head slightly.

"t-thank you, y/n." uraraka said surprised. "i didn't know you could so that." she looked at me amazed. i giggled softly at her reaction.

"i have a two part quirk..." i said nervously.

"that's so cool y/n!" uraraka exclaimed.

"i guess." i said quietly.

"well, i better be going! you need to get ready for you fight with todoroki!" she reminded. "see you y/n, and thanks again!" she waved softly at me before walking away. i waved back and looked down at my hands.

'you might hurt him, y/n. it will be all your fault again.'

"g-go away!" i shouted, shocked at the sudden voices in my head.

'he'll leave you and you'll be all alone.'

"stop it!"

'you're so weak.'

"l-leave me alone!"

'oh y/n. once again you sound crazy to others.'

i looked up to see some students looking at me confused as they walked past. my breathing began quickening as i grabbed my white hair. i began trembling and my eyes began watering.

"i-i'm sorry..." i whispered. "d-don't hate me... i-i'm not a v-villain! i-i'm not c-crazy..." my voice began cracking as i slid to the floor.

"break will be over shortly! everyone, get back to your seats! we have a real treat for the next round: todoroki shoto vs l/n y/n!" present mic announced.

i stood up shakily and walked to the entrance to the arena. i breathed in as i waited patiently for the fight to begin. i closed my eyes, attempting calm down. my body relaxed as i exhaled softly.

a few minutes passed and me and shoto were announced to walk into the arena. i stood as firm as i could. i was still slightly trembling from before, but i wasn't going to let that get in my way. my scarred eye was now being shown to the world... i looked down at the ground. i didn't dare look todoroki in the eyes... i couldn't.

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