todoroki's birthday special

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y/n's pov

"momo!" i ran down the dorm halls to catch up to my friend.

yaoyorozu turned around, a little startled by my sudden appearance. "y/n? what is it? do you need something?"

coming to a stop, i smiled up at her. "you see, you're a good friend of shoto's so i was wondering if you knew about his... other birthday experiences."

yaoyorozu quirked a brow at me. "he isn't very open about his home life." she stated plainly. "he's never mentioned his birthdays. not to me anyway."

a sigh escaped my lips. of course he'd be quiet about his home life. i thanked her and continued my way down the hall, tapping a finger on my chin as i thought of other people who were close to todoroki. then, a name came to mind.

"izuku." hitting my fist in my other hand, i beamed a smile as i ran to the stairs to get to the boys dorm rooms.

i slowed down my pace to not startle anyone that were in their rooms. i knew midoriya was usually in his room this time of day doing some minor training, so he would hopefully be there now.

outside his door, i knocked it gently and stepped back. i smiled as midoriya appeared in the doorway. "hello y/n." he greeted with a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead. "what's up?"

"well, first off, i hope i didn't intrude or anything." i smiled sheepishly as i stepped into his room. "i need to ask you something about shoto."

sitting down on his bead, midoriya looked at me puzzled. "i thought you'd know more about him than me." he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "i'll try my best though."

"has he... ever spoken about his birthday's with you?"

midoriya leant his hand on his cheek as he thought. "i assume you know about his dad?" he looked at me with sympathy, sighing as i nodded. "he's never had a birthday party from what i've gathered. he's only told me brief stories of when his mom was living at home. afterwards, it didn't seem like anyone besides fuymi that gave him cards."

i felt a harsh stab through her heart. it pained me that he never thought to tell me, but i wasn't going to ask him about it... just yet anyway.

instead, i walked over and sat down next to him. "would you like to help me with his birthday?"

the frantic nodding was enough for me to know that he was definitely in.



"i said to follow my voice, shoto." i giggled as i walked backwards in front of him. it was quite funny to see him blindfolded with his arms stretched out incase of a collision. "just trust me."

"i do trust you." he remarked, a smirk appearing on his lips. "i just don't know why you've covered my eyes."

i smiled, looking behind me from the corner of my eye. "you'll see."

the journey continued like this for a while until we arrived at out destined destination. the sun was setting, but, luckily, it wasn't cold. after many thought of what to do for his birthday and me and midoriya putting our heads together, we finally figured out what to do for shoto's birthday. granted, i hadn't expected everyone to be so involved, but was thankful regardless.

looking around, i smiled at everyone. all of our class members had decided to come to shoto's little party. even bakugo tagged along... after much persuasion from bakugo. now, gathered round in front of me and shoto, everyone looked our way.

the fairy lights, similar to the ones me and shoto always use, hanging from tree to tree lit up the space nicely. kaminari decided to take on the job as the dj, alongside jiro and sero; the girls and midoriya helped with the decorating; and everyone else did their own things.

now, after many hours of worrying, stressing, and crying, here we are.

"okay, i'm going to take the blindfold off you now." a stated as i neared shoto who had a monotonous expression. inching closer to his face, i gently took off the blindfold.

"happy birthday, todoroki/sho!"

the look on his face was priceless.

at first, i couldn't really read it. he was surprised, but no other emotion showed. then, the smallest, yet kindest of smiles appeared on his lips as he eyed everyone. he looked around, scanning the area that we decorated, taking in each and every detail.

his gaze dropped back to our classmates. "this was so unexpected... thankyou." his eyes started to gloss slightly, which worried me. that was until he embraced me in a tight hug. "thankyou snowflake, thankyou so much."


the room was dark and shoto lay right beside me. i watched as his chest raised and fell gently with tired eyes. it was now around 1am. the party had finished a few moments before and everyone decided to go to sleep because of training we'd have to do tomorrow.

despite bakugo being his typical self and the over excitement and kaminari somehow breaking and getting stuck in a chair, the party was a success. all the way through it, shoto had the happiest eyes i had ever seen. it made my heart fly at his deep down excitement. the thing that was confusing me was the continuous gloss in his eyes.

"thankyou so much, y/n." sighing, i looked over to shoto who was making eye contact with me.

"you've thanked me enough, silly." i laughed as i turned to face him, moving his hair out of his face. "it's really no problem."

shoto breathed out deeply, smiling at me and pulling me into his chest. "no one has ever done something like that for me..." he trailed off. "i didn't expect to have another birthday like i used to s-so..."

at his sudden voice crack, i looked up at him. "shoto are you-?"

"i will never stop thanking you, my love." with his glassy eyes looking into my e/c ones, he kissed my forehead several times. "i love you so much."

for what seemed like the thousandth time today, a soft smile crept upon my lips. "i love you too."

ahHhH iTs oUr boY'S biRthDay

of COURSE i had to do a small todoroki birthday special like- come oN! XD

i know it isn't very long but i've been really stressed and i really wanted to post this so i hope you like it! <3

happy birthday todoroki!!

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