11. recovery

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y/n's pov

| beep | beep | beep |

i woke up to a slow beeping down. my eyes lazily opened as they tried adjusting to the light. i looked around the unfamiliar room to see a certain dual-haired boy sitting next to me asleep.

"you took quite a hit out there." i turned my head to see recovery girl sitting down in a chair.

"yea..." i whispered.

i began remembering what had happened at the usj. my hand shot up to where my eye patch usually was.

'it's not there.'

"don't worry about it dear. they were going to find out sooner or later." recovery girl said calmly.

"i-i guess..." i replied quietly. "do you have a spare for when i leave?" she nodded and pointed to a patch on a table next to me. o sighed in relief.

"how long has he been here?" i asked as i stroked todoroki's hair gently, causing him to stir.

"since 5am this morning i believe." recovery girl answered.

"w-wait, what time is it now? what day is it?" i asked suddenly realised i hadn't a clue what was going on.

"it's 10:30am i believe, and it's tuesday." she replied calmly.

"shouldn't school be on?"

"no. after the attack, school is going to start again on thursday."

i nodded then moved my hand as i saw todoroki's eyes opening slowly.

"i'll leave you to be." recovery girl stated as she left the room and closed the door.

i looked at todoroki as his eyes adjusted to the morning light.

"hey sleepy head." i whispered.

"y/n!" his head shot up and he engulfed me into a hug. i hugged him back. "i-i thought you wouldn't wake up today..."

"why did you come today then? and at 5am?" i asked curiously.

"just in case you did wake up." he said shyly. he then looked up to my left eye. i noticed and sighed gently.

"do you realise why i was insecure about it now?" i whispered sadly.

"i know you won't agree, but i think it's pretty..." shoto said quietly.

"how so?" i asked as i sat up in my bed, cringing slightly from the pain in my back.

"well, your left eye reminds me of the white snow that falls in the winter... just like you remind me of a pretty snowflake..." he said shyly. he looked down as he began blushing.

"aww, is lil' shoto todoroki blushing at me?" i teased jokingly.

"n-no." he denied.

"it's fine, shoto." i laughed a bit at his stutter. "are the others okay?" he looked back up at me.

"yea... all might defeated the nomu and the other villains. i don't remember what happened to shigiraki and kurogiri." he explained briefly. i tensed slightly. "don't worry though. i don't think we'll see them again."

suddenly, the door burst open.

"y/n!" my classmates began piling in with wide smiles on their faces.

"oh my god! i'm so glad your okay!" uraraka exclaimed as she hugged me tightly.

"t-thank you..." i breathed out as i was being crushed by her hug.

"glad to see you're feeling better." asui said as uraraka finished the hug.

"you were awesome y/n!" i looked over to kirishima with a confused look. "you're quirk is amazing!" i laughed a bit.

"i'm not sure if it's amazing." i replied quietly as i rubbed my arm.

"no, no. it's incredible!" midoriya said excitedly. this was joined by others praising me.

"t-thank you guys, but i'm not the one who saved the day..." i said quietly. "i just passed out..."

"y/n..." uraraka said as she knelt down by the bed. "if you hadn't attacked the creep with the blue hair, the day probably wouldn't have been saved." i looked at her and smiled softly. she stood up and walked back to asui.

"what happened to the quiet you out there?" a raspy voice questioned. bakugo came visible in the crowd and looked at me.

"what do you mean?" i asked curiously.

"well when you were fighting, your whole calm and quiet aura left you." ashido explained.

"oh... you see, when my emotions get out of whack i kind of l-lose control." i stuttered.

"hey! it's okay! you were badass!" kaminari exclaimed excitedly.

"you were extremely manly!" kirishima added.

"thanks guys." i said quietly.

[time skip to when 'everyone' left]

"shoto, aren't you gonna go with the others?" i asked seeing as he hadn't moved since he woke up.

"y-yea..." he said quietly as he stood up. "you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"shoto todoroki, i'll be fine." i replied with a small smile on my face. "i'll see you on thursday okay?"

"alright, see you y/n." he said as he waved at me.

"bye shoto." i waved at him until he closed the door.

i closed my eyes as i lay back down in my bed as i fell asleep with a rare smile on my face.

aaah sorry for the shorter chapter! i have found that i have prepared like 30+ chapters (ish) for this story which i wasn't expecting at all XD

834 words

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