The one with Sophie's nightmare

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Sophie and keefe got to Sophie's house at around 4:15am. They went inside to nap on the couch in the living room until people showed up.

Keefe and Sophie were cuddling in a blanket while laying on the long couch until someone woke them up.

Keefe awoke to someone shaking him. He looked up drowsily at the person waking him up.

"Fitz?" He mumbled groggily looking up into someone's teal eyes, vision blurry.

"I think that's the worst insult I've ever gotten." Biana raised an eyebrow as she helped her friend sit up.

"Biana?" Keefe asked as he stood up and stretched tiredly. He was not a morning person. Let alone waking up at 4am.

"The one and only. And what happened to you?
Looks like you haven't slept since yesterday." Biana helped him stand up.

"That's because I haven't." Keefe yawned.

"Why?" Biana asked him as she re tied one of the shoe laces in her boots.

"Long night." Keefe glanced at Sophie.

"Oh." Biana realized. "I'll admit too." She sighed.

After 10 more minutes everyone had arrived. Sophie was still sleeping on the couch.

"Should we wake her up?" Tam asked them.

Sophie's house was still dark. It was only 4:30 am. All her friends were sitting on the couches in her living room, snacking on things before having to leave. The room was only lit up by the faint moonlight pouring in from the glass wall, full of huge windows.

"Not yet. It's only 4:30. Just let her sleep." Keefe told them tiredly. He was sitting on one of the couches with Sophie's head on his lap and her body stretched out, sleeping peacefully.

"Why? What happened?" Fitz asked from another couch by keefe's. He was sitting with Linh leaning tiredly on his shoulder.

"She's really worried about Edaline." Keefe told them softly. Not wanting to wake sophie.

"Why?" Biana asked from her spot in tams warm arms on another couch.

"6 months pregnant. She's just nervous about something happening to her." Keefe explained.

Five minutes later.

"No-" Sophie whispered in her sleep.

Everyone in the room looked at her.

"-take me instead-" she whispered desperately. Her eyes tearing.

Everyone looked around at each other.

"-please don't hurt him-" she pleaded in her sleep. "-please leave him alone." Sophie begged, crying in her sleep.

"Wake her up." Fitz told Keefe worriedly.

Keefe shook Sophie.

"-let go of him!-" she sobbed.

"Keefe wake her up!" Biana exclaimed as she got up to help him.

"I'm trying," Keefe said heatedly.

"-why are you doing this-" she asked, still asleep.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Linh got up to help.

"I don't know." Keefe ignored her.

Sophie sucked in a huge gulp of air as she woke up startledly.

She started panicking, clearly having trouble breathing as she started crying.

"what happened?" Keefe asked her as he held her hand.

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